
Feb 19, 2011 10:25


I had a fabulous outfit ready to go, all con prep was done early (a first!), packed everything I could need this year (unlike like year), REALLY needed a weekend to distract me from the anniversary, and was looking forward to a weekend with friends after a particularly bad week of constant harassment and a record-setting 14 hour day (the fruit of my labor is already earning hate mail).

Ready for Katscon right?

First day was amazing, even had my photo taken by the Japanese press for their cosplay magazine, felt comfortable and engaged, and even had a kickass balcony room overlooking the con...

Then it hit me like a brick wall, food poisoning, the worst I've ever had. At the risk of TMI I've had to use the bathroom about once and hour, the pain is so bad I can't sleep, I'm dizzy and sleep deprived from having spend Thursday night a friend's house in a so-so mattress and trying to contain my shivering. The thing that's help the best? Raving at 2am to DJ Cutman, HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT HELP? AND IT DID, but now I'm completely spend, mentally and physically.

I'm going to summon all the strength I have to....so something. Cosplay whatever I have (maybe not the new one, the bodice will kill me I just know it), go reg clothes to panels/screenings/Artist Alley/just downstairs. If I do and get worse, then it happened, no regrets that I didn't try. Maybe a warm shower will help (it sorta did last night).

First order of business: informing the restaurant I ate at last night exactly how I feel about their food.
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