So we got two new households moving in. One I've been planning since the start. I don't think I'm actually going to do much with them, but seeing as poor Kaylee and Chief haven't had a lot going on lately, I figured I'd move the rest of the Serenity crew in next door. (I didn't make these sims, I was in a rush so I got a premade set from the Exchange. I DID however make the Book and Inara ones because the set did not have Book and their Inara was...scary.) And now we also have HOUSE FULL O' CYLONS... moved in practically in the Adama's backyard. (No Dualla updates this time.)
Plus I figured out the cheats to set career at whatever you want for each character. *snerk* Almost all the military career options are air force. *glee*
Teaser pic! Leoben pays a visit to the Adama house... note... Kara and Kacey can be seen through the window....
I updated Helo and Sharon's looks first thing today. I'm really digging Sharon's new outfit, plus, hair pulled back is much, much better.
Also updated Hera's look. Less... scary purple... and I got rid of the scary hair. She's no less evil. Makes me worried about the fact that Sharon and Helo are trying for another baby. She'll probably steal candy from her new brother or sister too. Hera looks perplexed by her homework. Don't know why, she's a godsdamned genius.
Sharon and Helo just as they decide to have another baby. One of the things I love about the game is that when two sims are interacting there's a little bubble at the top that shows how the other person feels about the other one at that moment. It also shows their lifetime relationship status bar as well as labels "aquaintance" "friend" "mother" "sister" "fiance" "boyfriend" "husband" etc...
But as I was trying to build up to them having a baby the little thing goes...
"Karl thinks Sharon is being flirty"
"Karl thinks Sharon is very alluring"
"Karl thinks Sharon is extremely irresistable."
Proximity of the Serenity house (the big brownstone) to the Tyrol house (that...tiny one)
Jayne and Mal
River (midfreakout) and Simon
Wash and Zoe
Book and Inara... oh dude... I totally did not pay attention to Book's shoes... WTF.
Inara goes to visit Chief and Kaylee. ... I'm so neglectful of them. I spend too much time with the Adamas as you will see later. I love sticking them at the end.
And here's the proximity of the Cylon house (upper left hand corner) and the Adama house (more or less dead center)
Bitchfight between Cavil and Eight... by the way... since I needed a first and last name for each one.... she's totally Sweet Eight. Cavil's actually being insulting right now... but it mostly looks like he's going to sneeze on her.
D'Anna and Sonja. :)
My friends and I had this joke that because Doral and Simon were so neglected they should have a thing... these two are totally married.
Leoben totally has the option for interaction "Speak Madness"
Poor Kara...
The look on her face is hilarious.
Kacey is working out because she's been kind of on the chubby side lately.
Tigh helps Liam with his homework. I'm sorry, I cannot get over how frakking adorable that is.
I sent Gaius and Caprica on a date to the museum... and who do we happen to find? MUSEUM FULL OF CYLONS.
Two Sixes... no waiting.
And Gaius tried to hit on D'Anna... who is all "bitch, plz." Caprica is NOT happy. And Cavil? Well he's hungry.
Family photo! :D Sort of. Um... I totally changed her outfit to a tanktop because I got to see those bare arms for the first time... guys... I was turned on by a SIM. X.X kill me now. And I gave Lee less fluffy hair.
And just so you know? Yeah. They're still beautiful.
Kara is set to Top Gun in the military track... and that is the uniform. Can you say hotter than hot? Lee ogles from the doorway.
And so you know? Roslin? Totally set to "Leader of the Free World"... the outfit is the work outfit for Vice President because the LotFW uniform? IS UGLY AS SIN.
Working out helps. Kacey's slimmed down a bit.
And I aged up Zandra (Accidentally! I wanted her to stay tiny a bit longer) But here is Bill, snuggling his granddaughter. :D