Another Sim Update

Jun 15, 2009 21:13

So soon? Yes!

I moved everyone into bigger/nicer houses. Especially in light of Jarrett Dualla, Kara's pregnancy, and I do want to get Helo and Sharon to have another baby. (I've totally not paid attention to the Tigh-Baltar house for a while.)

I figured out how to turn aging off but not before Kacey, Hera, and Liam all aged up to teenagers... this is an experience. Liam... is kind of an anti-social loser. In a really big way. They all got more personality traits as they aged up. Kacey developed "inappropriate." I swear, she really is a traumatized girl. I'm not unconvinced that she is what would become of Kacey. Hera developed... I think overly excitable or something like that... and I don't remember what Liam got... but he's still a little weirdo. I tried SO HARD to get him to become friends with Hera and Kacey... I even wanted him to develop a romantic interest in one of them... well... you know what they say about well laid plans...

Our teens. (Sharon's probably wondering why the hell Hera is going out of the house dressed like that.)

The new Dualla house. They actually have room to... move around and stuff now. And check out Gaeta in the corner with the baby. :D

Hoshi's teaching Jarrett how to talk. I like this house. It's sort of like Jarrett has a mommy and two daddies.

Dee putting Jarrett to bed. She has a nice little balcony just off her room.

Yay for Gaeta/Hoshi smoochies.

Pregnant painting Kara in HIDEOUS maternity clothing. *points to baby bump* teehee.

It's not as funny without video but here's Gaius talking to himself and Caprica's just kinda sitting there like "There he goes again..."

And the pic captured at a strange time but Sharon totally splashed Helo. :)

Um.... Liam and Hera handing out with a clear view of Gaius and Caprica's bedroom. GET CURTAINS! *cough* Hera and Kacey aren't going steady yet but um.... I'm so amused by how Kacey's hungry while om nom noming on Hera. The only reason I clicked it was because as an inappropriate Sim, Kacey can do things other people would think are rude... I expected Hera to shoot her down... she didnt.

So I checked in on the Dualla household and found that they apparently had gone out to a family dinner at the diner.

Dee finishing teaching Jarrett to talk while Gaeta and Hoshi are at work. (Gaeta's working in the science career, Hoshi got himself a job in the medical career... good on him. The game pestered me until I let him.)

And say hello to Zandra Thrace everybody. :D

Lee holding baby Zandra.

Quick! She's napping! Let's go work out together.

Here's Hera looking devious... She's sleeping over... See Kacey snoozing away in her bed


And that's it for now.


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