The Day from Hell

Sep 08, 2010 21:42

Today, folks, was probably one of the worst days of my life.  Since I'm not so great with description, let's just start with a picture to set the mood

Let's start at the beginning, in a nice numbered list:

1) I wake up a half hour late and jump out of bed, rush through my morning routine, and still end up running behind

2) I get to work and the phone starts ringing over the PA system (what we call night ring).  I go to answer it on the sales floor (a red phone as we call them - bitchy things that don't work half the time).  As I'm struggling with it, an executive that has it out for me yells over the walkie "Bethany can you please get the phone?"  It sound polite, but she talks down to me in a voice that grates my spine with a every word.  I don't answer, because I'm fighting with this goddamn phone.  She keeps yelling for me, getting more annoyed and annoying me more every time.  FInally someone mentions I'm not near the good phone.  "Well then can SOMEONE get the phone?!"  I finally get the crap phone to work and stumble along.  Of course, it rang again while I was still on the sales floor for huddle, but life goes one.  This alone doesn't equate to a bad day.

3) Someone called out for an opening shift.  I offer to call someone in.  The same bitch interrupts my conversation and say "WE need to call someone in for backroom like now.  It's ridiculous, it should've been done on Monday."  I keep trying to talk to the other person, seeing as how the only thing I can think to say is "SORRY I HAD THE FUCKING FLU ON MONDAY, ASSHOLE", but she keeps interrupting saying it was top priority and it should have already been done.  I finally say okay and walk away.  This fucking champ got both shifts covered eventually.

4) My whole morning is spent calling people in, which has become the norm lately, plus I was asked to cover phones, so none of my workload gets done.  The workload that everyone seems to assume I don't have.  The breakroom has ants at this point because I've had to neglect my workload (a lot of cleaning) to do shit for other people.  Fuck, I hope they like to share their lunch with some tiny friends!

5) The person I was depending on to come in for backroom (who was originally scheduled for another workcenter) calls out.  I replace his shift for the other workcenter without getting approval since we've been calling in people for everything anyway.  I tell cunt of the year.  "Who told you to call anyone in"  I pause "no one"  "We only need to call in essential people, and that wasn't an essential shift"  "Okay, do you want em to call back and tell the other person not to come in"  "Yeah because we only need to cover essential shifts" (She loves repeating herself in case I didn't understand the first 10 times).  "Oh, I just remembered [another executive] had already called her yesterday and I just asked her to come in earlier.  Do you just want me to have her come in at the later time?"  "Whatever, I don't know why he even called her.  DO whatever you want, I DON'T EVEN CARE ANYMORE"  in that fucking voice.  That's when i got fucking pissed.

6) I make the mistake of complaining to someone, who tells someone else, et cetera.  I get so many people asking me if I'm okay that I end up crying due to the stress and how much I can't stand this woman.  Meanwhile, she's still barking at me over the walkie about little things.

7) Our cart attendant comes in with a broken hand and says he's on modified duty and can't do his job.  Bitch gets in a rage and tells me to call my boss at home immediately and ask her what we're supposed to do.  Also "WE need to call in a cart attendant for today and cover the rest of his shifts for the next two weeks".  WE is like that for a reason.  WE is always emphasized but really means YOUR STUPID ASS.  I called her after finding her number through other executives, and we tried to figure something out.  In the meantime, the cart attendant comes up to me and says "Oh, I can still do carts, I just can't do guest carry outs." Me: :I

Actually, I'm going to skip past the rest of the work stuff, because I don't even have the energy to write about all of it.  I left work feeling like shit, but I did buy the new Kingdom Hearts game in hopes of getting my spirits up.

8) When I get to the gym, the wind gusts that are oh so prevalent in that parking lot decide to take my heavy car door and slam it into the care next to mine.  I lost paint on the account, and my door scratched theirs a bit, but nothing noticeable.  Did I leave my information?  Fuck no, because at this point I just don't give a fuck.

9) I get home and remember it's my dad's birthday AFTER I see him.  Oh well, I can give him a present this Sunday when the family celebrates.  I'm kind of excited to boot up the old PSP, but I know it needs charging, so I go to plus it in.  My bookshelf has other plans and decides to self destruct and throw books all over me, hence the picture.  At this point I scream and burst into tears.  My mother asks if anything wrong and doesn't come in until I scream "YOU HEAR A LOUD CRASH AND I'M CRYING AND YOU DON'T COME AND CHECK?!"  She comes in, asks if she can help, but I dejectedly say no because we all know only I, and possibly nekogonya , know how to arrange my books properly and with care, even after they've fallen into a huge pile on my arm.  Damned cheap furniture.

10) Now my PSP is trying to fight with me: it really doesn't want to let me just have some fucking peace.

I'm sure I've forgotten some things, but now i'm going to list some things I'm thankful for to make a bit of positivity out of this.

1) I don't work at Giant
2) None of my books were ruined
3) My car doesn't look that bad
4) I'm home now and the work day is past
5) My PSP is cooperating now!
6) My computer is being okay
7) My camera is being okay
8) My dogs are cute

**4 hour interval where I went to eat dinner and play my new game**

I was going to put some Philadelphia Zoo pictures in here to lighten it up a bit, but I'm too tired.  That being said, I do feel a bit better now since I did get to play my game.  God, KH games are easy.  The only enemies that really bug me are the ones that do the radial ground attack (like they jump and land and the radius around them gets hurt), but that's annoying in any game.

I have tags for every letter except u, x, and z.  Interesting.


idiocy, kingdom hearts, disfunctionality, aids, video game, disfunctional, shit, faggotry, omg, lolwut, no, retarded, work, omgwtfbbq, game, mess, dogs, job, fail, manga, fuck you, life

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