Flu Shot Tiem

Sep 05, 2010 17:03

Guess who was a big girl and got her flu shot today?!  Not only that, but I got the coolest Bullseye band-aid!

Why am I so excited that I got a flu shot you ask?  Well, it ends the most epic quest ever.  No, seriously, it's like an RPG quest.

Quest Name: Health Insurance Discount

First Goal: Do online health survey

Second Goal: Do any three of the following tasks in order to proceed to the next step

Online Health Coach Program
Flu Vaccination
Know Your Numbers - Biometric Screening
Annual Physical Exam
Telephonic Wellness Coaching
Weight Watchers
Mammogram (for women only)
**Bold ones are the ones that I did**

Third Goal: Profit!

Reward: $250 off your health insurance premiums in the year 2011

Kind of nice, eh?  It really was like an epic quest, though.  I've been slowly getting through it all year, and it's nice to finally have accomplished it.  I still might do the biometric screening if I can find the prescription, just because it sounds like interesting information to have.

health insurance, health, win

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