Random fact: My extremely late lunch/early dinner just now was a big pile of sandwich pepperoni. I think I'm turning Italian! Now I'm basking in the throat after-burn and wishing I had more...
Anyway, all I have left is the "random" cosplays, meaning ones I didn't have a group of for the series/character. There's about 50 I'm guessing. I also took some pointed pictures of /cgl/ tripfags, as Ashley and I made a point of doing so. We missed Masa D. Luffy, but I'm pretty sure we got everyone else we could!
Random Cosplays
YOSHI! I was in awe of this suit! It was very well made.
Mario and Princess Peach
MAH BOIIIIIIIII (for those who don't know this meme:
The Witch and The Hunter from Left 4 Dead
This little Naruto was being bratty about getting his picture taken, and his poor sister just felt awkward, but I managed to get a good pout!
Straight from the internet hate machine, we have anon
Bad Girl from No More Heroes
Lady from Devil May Cry fighting what looks to be a Gundam
Lady from DMC exemplifying my camera's erratic fail
Some FF people that Ashley happened to be photogging, so I joined in.
The only Nero I saw at the entire con. His sword was amaing, so of course my photgraphy skills managed to cut it out of the picture.
Stein from Soul Eater (I'm not a fan of the series, but I downloaded an epically smutty doujinshi involving him and shota!Death the Kid awhile ago, so I am forever a fan of the character).
Got a picture of this Axel and Roxas because their costumes were OMG actually good. I couldn't get too close, lest I wanted to get caught in a Time Paradox.
Epically cute South Park cosplayers
Now we have good FF7 cosplay too. Something was awry at this con...
The only Trish cosplay we saw the entire time. This girl was great, though, due to her epic boobs filling the big bra that is Trish's.
A con wouldn't be complete withotu me getting an awkward crooked picture of Master Chief
An "inb4 game" cosplay of Assassin's Creed 2, since the game hasn't come out yet. It is indeed amazing.
One of the only Rozen Maiden cosplays I saw, a cute Suigintou
This Beetlejuice made me ridiculously happy
This Indiana Jones was shocked we wanted his picture. More people should show the love!
I really wanted to say "Why don't you have a seat over there?" but I was afraid they might not get it (after all Pedobear is known by many more people than Chris Hansen).
I don't even know what happened here...
Assassin's Creed cosplay again
Belle from Beauty and the Beast
Jasmine and Aladdin and DAT ASS
Yuffie from Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
Finally, I just thought this dress was really pretty
Tripfags/People You Probably Know
Kaname as Cloud
I forget her name. She's doing Cammie
Maguma as Gurmina with a Bondage Yoko and Anti-Spiral King
The lovely OwlDepot and company
And that's it! I want more pepperoni...
OH! Here's 300% of your daily dose of cute:
Click to view
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Germany's sounds so adorably angry (I don't know why it's adorable, but it is).
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As far as I know, America's full version isn't available anywhere on the internet yet. I don't like France's as much, but his just kind of comes along with it. Pretty much all of them are entertaining, with their funny stereotypes, but I'll stop at these three. Japan's is ultra polite and formal, and England's sounds kind of like a garage band. Southern Italy forgoes the main theme and instead sings about his love of tomatoes. This is the most cracktastic series EVAR.
I should probably get to unpacking now...