Apr 03, 2006 22:18
Sometimes I wonder why I am putting all of this effort into life. I’m having huge conflicts with society nowadays. I don’t want to spend 50 years of my life working so that I can lay around and enjoy my last 7. Sometimes I think this education thing is a waste of time. Why would I want to educate myself in order to get a well paying job so that I can contribute to the pollution, emotionless, materialistic, and selfishness of people today?
We are killing ourselves slowly and I can’t stand how people live each day in ignorance towards the fact we all are intoxicated. There are no fruits or vegetables left anymore with there main DNA stream left, it has all be altered to grow faster for more money. It is completely lost and there is no way of gaining it back. That’s fucking ridiculous…even our supply of milk and dairy is completely screwed over. Almost 100% of the cows here have been injected with ‘poison’ to produce more milk, faster. If a cow hasn’t been you best believe that its mother has so it is therefore passed down in generation. When was it right for us to alter nature for any reason? When did it become okay to hurt and play with life?
Yes we need the vitamins and minerals in milk to live, but how many poisons and toxins are we consuming at the same time?
Everyone is separated, divorced or on their own. The divorce rate is more the 50% in North America. Nobody takes their vows seriously because the option of divorce is there.
Does anybody even know what true love is? I honestly have no idea.
I’m pissed off at the world seriously for what we have let it become. The more we educate ourselves the sicker, weaker and stupider we become.
If you were laying on your death bed tomorrow would it honestly matter how many years you spent at school or how much money you had in the bank? No man lays on his death bed wishing he spent more time at work.
When everything boils down all you have left is love, in any form that may be. You have the love of friends, and family but you won‘t understand that yet.
I want to travel and never settle down. I want to spend years in different places all over the world and learn their ways and speak their languages. I want to taste their foods and dance their songs. I’m not talking the hotel and vacation package either. I’m talking becoming one with the people. Living with the tribes for months on end or hiking their land for days. I want to see what people miss and I want to learn what has been forgotten. I want to understand what it is like to only have your emotions and feelings towards life.
We look at those in 3rd world countries and feel sorry for them because we think they have nothing, when in fact that have much more then we will ever have. They have love and friendship. They take care of each other as if they are one. They are not selfish or conceited or mean because they are fulfilled. All of their NEEDS are met. Do you even know what your basic needs are? Do you know how to survive or how to provide for yourself?
One day I will disappear into the real world. Some of you may notice but most of you will not because that would of course mean that you cared. It is sad in the fact though that you only care because you miss me, and you want to see me again so we can talk or chat or hang out. You care because you want to fulfill some social aspect into yourself, not because I’m gone.
The worst part is that most of you will never be able to understand on this level