Mar 14, 2013 17:48
Okay, well. Good job LJ. Good fucking job with the profile.
I hardly post here. Mostly because I don't really have much to post about unless it's a new game and what not. And honestly, I am sick and tired of LJ and will be only using Dreamwidth but posts will be crossposted when I post.
To those who I have friended, I'm sorry I wasn't here and I'm sorry as a whole. I wanted to get back into it, I really did, but LJ has seriously pissed me off to the point I will only use it for challenges and to check on a few communities as well as read some of your entries. And also communities that require an account (fanfiction, yaoi, etc.,)
I completely understand that you want to defriend me. I'm not really the best at keeping contact, even with my friends on Facebook after adding them. Even my own family.
I'm just done with LJ's crappy designers, and marketers, who do not understand the basic principles of listening to your customer base.