Oct 14, 2012 20:08
I let my extra userpic pack expire since, um, I hardly go on here.
I'm a bad LJ friend, especially after I got into Tumblr. I used to post a lot of rants here along with college classes but I just don't do that anymore here.
The reason why? I forget shit. EASILY.
Like say I go in a new fandom, take for instance Thor & The Avengers. I was originally in...Supernatural or something and then BAM, all attention is on Thor & The Avengers.
I love writing long posts and those who made friends with here along with people I'm still getting to know but I've come to find Tumblr hugely addicting.
For those who don't know why it's addicting, it is for me because you can get pretty damn creative with photosets (gifs or no) and there's funny posts, lots of Tom Hiddleston and Loki, lot of Supernatural, lot of Tom and Loki, lot of - you get the gist.
While LJ may be well the same, Tumblr is like a mixture of LJ and Twitter, their lovechild. Many people thought Twitter wouldn't go far but it does and it is. While Tumblr may not be the same, it's addicting because of reasons -shot- and those are different for everyone.
I'm not leaving LJ, I just wanted to let you guys know what's up and all that and peek in and explain why I wasn't...wait I think I did that already on the last post...
Well this is awkward.
misc: random,
misc: i'm a complete idiot/asshole/etc.