It's not that I work for the state and therefore HAVE to get today off, and slept in but forget to turn my phone alarm off.
Or that I turned my 7am alarm off and fell asleep midway through using said phone to see if my boyfriend has successfully switched Afghanistan bases without getting IED'd.
Or that I woke up 90 minutes later because I just rolled on my phone, finished checking it, and went back to sleep satisfied that no IED'ing had occurred.
Or that I hauled myself out of bed at like, 2pm, and debated whether a ridiculous kitten t-shirt ("Kittens: An American Tradition") or an Iron Man t-shirt is more patriotic.
Or that I hopped on a couple social media outlets and posed said debate to my friends to collect their opinions.
Or that while doing so, the still-raging poke war fired up again, I used Facebook to harass my boyfriend, and found silly gifs like
this one.
Or that the comment train on Facebook went immediately to why a former president (Teddy Roosevelt) was a douche.
Or that after I'm done stuffing myself full of salt, carbs, and sugar, I'm going to go take a nice hot walk and hope for some sunshine.
Or that at the end of the night, I get gratuitous fireworks displays and hopefully a funnel cake.
It's that I can do all of these things without a second thought that is why I really love this country. :)
no joke, this is my fav holiday.