Nightmare on Elm Street

Aug 27, 2003 12:47

Forget Freddy.

I'm am living in pure hell. This house is INFESTED with eight legged creeps! I haaaaaaaaate spiders. I loathe them. I abhor them. --;

When walking up the stairs, 5 spiders.
Now, some are as big as your pinkie, and it makes you wonder how I see them at all. Others are like daddy long-legs, but forget skinny legs, they're ALL black and friggin scary.

I spent the morning hunting down the biggest one yet, because I couldn't sleep knowing it was crawling up the curtains and *shivers* They're on the light switch, on the ceiling.

CRACK POT, they're even guarding the door, so forget escaping!

My Word, if I wake up and there is one on my face all hell will break lose and I will commit myself to a padded room.

I'm arachnaphobic

._O; sleep well.......
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