Feb 10, 2005 17:15
So, let's start with last Monday...
Monday wasn't too exciting. I went to Younglife and at the end, when everyone hugs on eachother, I hugged kyle and he goes "Aww...Raychel's so nice.....and you smell REALLY good!" there was this little like 7 year old standing there when he said it and she gave us a funny look. OOH! But it was sooo freaking hilarious...i was crying pretty much the whole time from so much laughter. At the end, Kyle, and like 6 other Ramblers decided to do all sorts of funny stunts. Well, Kyle wanted to do this one where the guy grabs the girl's left hip and right upper inner thigh. like if he were to go any higher, it'd be considered indecency. lol. So, kyle didn't wanna do it with just anybody. He wanted a guy! His name was Taylor and he's on the drumline. It was so hilarous. Kyle goes "I wanna do a guy! Hey Taylor! You're light and all, let me do you!" and T goes "no! dude!" and k goes "DUDE! Let me do you!" and t goes "Okay, whatever." SO k is like "just stay still!" and k grabs a GUY'S inner thigh and hip. T totally FREAKED. He screams "DUDE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" and everyone's laughing.
And Kyle screams back "DUDE! LET ME DO YOU!" and T goes "DUDE! NO!" and kyle is like "DUDE!!! LET ME DO YOU!!!" and T screams "NOOOO!" and starts running around the room. SO, kyle starts chasing him and they're being retarded and kyle sticks his arm out and wraps it around Taylor's waist and goes "DUDE! LET ME DO YOU!" and T's like kicking him and screaming "DUDE! NO!" but wouldn't you know, Kyle got his way. So he's like "Just keep your legs straight!" well, since Taylor refused to be still, it was hard for him to get him up. So he put him halfway and THROWS him down. It was SO hilarious.
I was literally on the floor crying. I couldn't see!
So, then, Joe, our YL leader goes, "Kyle! Let's do the superman! I'll catch you!" So kyle runs and jumps into Joe's arms and Joe lifts him. Then you see Kyle just completely fly over Joe's head, straight onto the ground. Which made me laugh even more! Then, unbeknownst to Joe, Kyle comes running from behind onto Joe's back, and Joe happened to bend over right then, and Kyle went flying off over Joe's head again. right onto the ground. I seriously almost wet my pants. It was probably the funniest thing i've seen in forever. I laugh everytime i think of it.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday weren't too eventful. So i'll spare you. Except, on Thursday, we had our first week of YoungLife Capaigners, and I went. I was the only one except the 3 leaders. So we talked about Joe almost dying, never ever playing Spin the Bottle, and how extremely jealous everyone is of Jillian Edwards (laine's extremely awesome younger sis).
On Friday, Erin, Larissa, and I decided to go to the Varsity Men's soccer team. I'm still contemplating why they call it the MEN'S soccer team. They don't call the girl's one Women's. How sexist. Anyway, so, my mom, dad, and I drove to the bank to get money to get in. My parents would be going to the basketball game, not the soccer game. Onward. So, my dad gets the money out of the ATM, and comes to the car or whatever, and we back out, and BUMP. My mom goes "Honey, you just hit a car!" whoops. Then my dad says "Raychel, this is the reason we have mirrors on our cars." and i go "You're setting such a WONDERFUL example for me!" Kidding, of course.
So, luckily we didn't do much damage, so we left. Then we met up with Larissa and Erin at Chick Fil A. And got grub. yum. My parents actually let me ride with Erin. which is amazing. They have this thing about me riding in cars with 16-year-olds. Weird, I know. So, they went on their lovely way to the basketball game, while Larissa, Erin and I went to the soccer game. It was so fun. We played Jesuit (the same losers who beat us at homecoming) and we were like "REVENGE!!!" well, it ended up being a 1-1 tie. And you know who scored the only goal on our team? You guessed it! Jordan. Oh and dude, I didn't know soccer players used their heads so freaking often to hit the ball. I would've had a concusion.
So, after the game, a certain girl who has affiliation with him (yes, his mom! lol and Laine) was talking to him. And you know what? Laine ACTUALLY looked half-way humanly nice. It was amazing. And then he saw her and they hugged or whatnot. And it was heartbreaking, he had his arm around her. Well, i mean, they're gf/bf, so whatever, but still.
Did nothing pretty much. At like...7 I drove over to Larissa's house so she could sleepover at mi casa. Then, at like 8, Erin came over and we all watched Wicker Park. I had seen it before, so I knew of all of it's...wonderfulness...but they hadn't so listening to their reactions was amazing. They're like "NO YOU STUPID WHORE!!!" It was rather entertaining. At the end, Larissa cried, and we were all like "I need this movie!"
Then, it was like 10 by the time it ended, so Erin had to go home before curfew. Her dad is apparently really uptight about that sort of stuff.
Larissa and I went to churchy. It was fun. It was the new Contemporary service, and man, it was PACKED! I thought it was gonna be a bunch of youth group people, but it wasn't.
Then, we went home. Larry and I cleaned my room, and watched The Company. Some advice on The Company: DON'T waste your money on it. It sucked majorly.
Then, Emma, Rob, and Thomas came over for our little Super Bowl Partay! yay. Rob brought the yummiest ribs ever. I ate like 10 of them. They were awesome. Then, I drove over to Kody's house for HIS super bowl party. Someone asked me who I was rooting for and why. I go "Uh, the Patriots, because Tom Brady is hot."
Apparently, that was insanely hilarious to all of the adults. I can't figure out why.
Monday..YOUNGLIFE! Whoot. I saw Michelle (one of the leaders), so I gave her a hug, and she goes "you look cute!" and Kyle goes "Aww...isn't she PRECIOUS?!" And Michelle goes "Yes she is!" I felt very loved. haha.
Tuesday was pretty blah. Although, I got a billion+ comments on a skirt i've worn like a billion+ times. In dance, my foot decided that it would start bleeding, so, for the sake of everyone's health, I went and got a bandaid. I got the bandaid, stuck my foot on the desk to put it on and Jordan goes "Cool shoes!" and i was like "Are you talking to me?" And he's like "Yeah.." and I go "Uh..thanks? They're ballet shoes." and he goes "Cool! I could do ballet!" and i was like "I definetly want to see this!" so he gets up and does some freaky sorta layout type thing. I was like "Uh, well, we do layouts in ballet, but it's not actual ballet!" and of course, Dacoda HAD to come in once she saw me go in there. JEEEEEZE. she always freaking does that.
so she gets her stupid flirty voice going and goes "Jordan! What are you doing?!" and i go "He said he liked my ballet shoes, so he did some freaky layout thing." so she starts laughing and is like "You're so funny!" Whatever! gosh. She's an okay friend, but dude, she has a boyfriend! why does she always want what I want? it's so annoying.
Wednesday was Ash Wednesday. I drove my lil sis to church at 6:30, then i drove back up there at 8 for the service. It was packed with tons of adults, which was odd. since that's the YOUTH service. They made it all fancy, and not too fun. We had a sermon, did communion, got ashes on our heads, then these black ribbon bracelets to symbolize sin. I saw Jon, who asked "Oh, did you ever ask a guy out to that dance?" and i go "no, but I was like thisclose to asking Kyle Knighton, but I decdided not to." he goes "Uh, no. He and Jordan are right up there tied for first together on the jerk list." see, Jon pretty much went off on jordan when I told him that I liked him. He went WAY off on him. He wouldn't call him by his first name, and i never heard a single nice word about him come out of his mouth. Like that's gonna change my mind. There's no way I will believe that Jordan and Kyle are these evil jerks. Because they're not. I think someone is just jealous.
So, since i was mad, I decided to go see Cheryl and her veeery pregnant self. She's due in 3 weeks! I'm so excited! I think she's gonna have a girl...anyway. Once we were reading magazines, and she saw a pic of Jessica Simpson without makeup and she goes "Man, I wish I could look like THAT without makeup!" and yesterday she had no makeup on at all (not even her cute hot pink lipgloss), and she was so freaking gorgeous. I don't know if it was all the pregnant-ness, but she was soooo super pretty.
Thursday..today! We have YL Campaigners tonight, and once again, I may be the only one there. Bandos have a mandatory dress-rehearsal for their competition tomorrow. I liked being the only one though. It's fun! Ooh, we got our tests back from yesterday. They were on probability. It was so easy. Everytime I get done with a test, the teacher always goes "Can I just give you a 100?" and i always smile and nod. Well, we got them back today, and of course, I got a 100. Then Ashlee and Nastassia were whispering and laughing and Ashlee yells out "HEY EVERYONE! AFTER CLASS, WE'RE ALL JUMPING RAYCH! DON'T TELL HER!" and of course, she was joking. Then, we got our tests back that we did very horrible on.
he's like "Yeah..uh i'm gonna have to end up counting these, so yall are doing corrections. They were horrible. I didn't even give grades. I just put how many yall missed. Out of 25, i've got -17,-18, -16,-8, -22..." and he goes "Oh, and yeah, a minus one-half." everyone goes "RAYCHEL!" and i was like "I HIGHLY doubt it. I'm pretty sure I failed it." and i did. 68, But luckily with corrections, i'll get an 84 on it. Oh, and i failed my IPC quiz. with a 60. The teacher picked it up and goes "That's not good, huh, raych?" and i go "Uh, no." and Nastassia (whose goal in life is to beat me, she said so) comes up and she goes "whadyaget?!" and i go "bad. 60." and she screams "YESSSSS! I beat you! 70!"
So, yeah. My enlish teacher used my paper yesterday as an example in his classes. I felt proud. yaya.
Dude, like all of my friends are having major boyfriend problems. It's crazy. I've had like 4 girls crying on my shoulders today. It's crazy. I was talking to one girl and I go "You know what? There's a lot of times when I wish i'd have a boyfriend, but sometimes, I'm so happy that I don't have one." Honest? Yes. Said at the right time? Definetly not.
Well, i'm going onward to bigger and better things, so bye!