Nov 21, 2004 11:37
Okay, so on Friday in Dance, I was seriously the only one who actually dressed out. It was amazing. Then when the teacher said "Get in your spots for the lyrical dance" I was the only one who did. OUT OF FORTY PEOPLE! my gosh. The teacher was all like "RAYCHEL!!! YES!" and I "raised the roof." go me!
so after we danced (which was a total waste, only 10 friggin minutes), i was like "Do I get some sort of prize for being the only one who dressed out?!" and the teacher just laughed it off...but I was SERIOUS! lol.
So after I got back dressed into normal clothes, I went to the dance office where Jordan was. The rest of the class was watching Save the Last Dance, but I've seen that upward of 1000 times, so I decided to study math with Jordan. It was amazing. We actually had conversations that lasted.
I felt so...fufilled. lol.
And we talked so much that I don't remember all of the stuff that was said.
But I remember some...
I talked about Thanksgiving. I was like "I'm so glad we only have 2 days of school next week. And for Thanksgiving, I'm going to my aunt and uncle's house and apparently they're like, rich, and have a mansion kinda house." Jordan was like "Really? That's pretty cool!" and I was like "Yeah, and i'm so glad cause one part of my family isn't coming, which is a good thing cause they're all the sterotypical Texan family...hicks...with the long drawl. It's horrible. And I always get sick after seeing them. It's really weird." and he goes "Hahahah, HICKS! Some of my family is like that. But what I really hate is when people kiss me (you can only imagine what I was thinking). Like old people. Not too many of them do it anymore, but there's always one, and it's so gross." and i was like "Haha yeah. Or like how in movies the grandma always pinches the kid's cheeks. That's never happened to me, luckily!"
And we also talked about jobs. I don't know how it was brought up, but I remember saying "I want to be a wedding planner when i grow up." Then Jordan turns around, and in his sarcastic voice says "Really? Me too!" like he sounded totally gay. It was really funny though. And then he's like "No...what am I saying?! I want to be an interior designer!" and i go "HEY! I'm IN the interior design class here!" and he goes "We HAVE an interior design class at this school?! That's SO awesome!" and i was like "Yeah. But i signed up thinking that it would be a total blow-off class, but it's totally not! Like seriously, the first six weeks, it was my LOWEST GRADE! I had a friggin 78 in INTERIOR DESIGN!"
I'm trying to remember what we talked about after that....
hmm...i dunno, but I DO know that he actually stops what he's doing to look you in the eye when you talk. And I'm glad he does cause that's one of my biggest pet peeves. When you're talking to someone, but they won't look you in the eyes. It's really rude and disrespectful. Or even when they're wearing sunglasses. I HATE that. Like if I'm wearing sunglasses and someone starts talking to me, i'll move my sunglasses off of my eyes so the person knows i'm actually listening and I'm interested.
Okay, so back to the story. So then he's all like "Five, six, seven, eight, one and two and three and four, five, six, seven, and two and three and four and five, six, seven, eight.." and he did that till the world was about to end and i go "Where's the 5,6,7,8?" and he's like "FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT and one and two and three and four..." and i'm all like "Oh. Well usually when you say 5,6,7,8 like that, it means you're just prepping for the one and two and three and four...they're not normal counts." and he's all like "oh. Well, i was just counting."
so then he goes back to math. More like hip-hop math. He was all like "twelve-izzle plussizzle equals a-sizzle." Then he heard someone on the movie say "What's up my brotha" or something along those lines so he kept on saying it. Over and over.
I was like "Do you even HAVE a brother?" (see, i'm sneaky...trying to find more out about him! lol) And he's like "Yes, actually, I do." and i was like "Younger or older?" and he goes "Older." And I was like "How old?" and he said "21. You?" I go "Just sisters. One older, one younger. The older one is 22 and the younger one is gonna be 14 on Christmas."
Then the teacher came in and we all talked about the football my mom would be wearing a Berkner shirt, but would root for Tyler Lee cause she went there. I was like "Mom! You can't do that! That's hypocricy!" and she's like "I can root for whoever I want!" So we talked about that and how if we were to win the game that we would be going down to Houston to play and how much that would suck if we went down there and ended up loosing. Then the teacher and Jordan talked about Ramblers and their new stunt.
Then Michele came in and I was like "OMG! OUR MATH TEST IS TODAY! Do you have your review?!" and she said yes and gave it to me. I was looking over it, totally freaking out cause I had NO clue how to do it. so i was like "oh no, i'm gonna fail, i'm gonna fail...ahhh." and Jordan was like "Aww. But dude, just fail it. Just fail it." and i'm like "Yeah, Jordan, THAT is REALLY supportive! You're so encouraging!" and he's like "YEP! But i'm kidding. Just try hard. Don't fail it." and i'm like "So what math are you in this year?" and he's like "Calculus." and i go "Fun. So that means you were in Geometry...what? Four years ago?" and he's like "Yeah. Ninth grade. Pre-AP." and i go "Well, could you help me?" and he looked at it and was like "I don't remember ANY of this stuff. Sorry." so then the first bell rang and we all went into the hall waiting until the second one to release us.
So I'm out there, standing beside him. And then out of nowhere, he grabs my review and goes "What's an isosoles triangle?" and i'm like "It has 2 equal sides and 1 unequal." and he's like "Yeah. What's a scalene?" and i go "Uhh....It has 3 unequal sides?" and he's like "NOOO! It has 3 EQUAL sides! What's an equalateral triangle?" and i'm like "I KNOW THIS ONE! It has 3 EQUAL sides! And an equalangular trianle has 3 equal ANGLES!" and he goes "Yeah, but those are the same things! If it has 3 equal angles, it HAS to have 3 equal sides!" and i'm like "Yeah, I know...but this isn't even what we're learning. We had a test over this like...3 weeks ago. I need help with radicals." And he's all like "Well, tough luck!" so yeah. Great. Then the bell rang and i screamed down the hall "GOOD LUCK TONIGHT JORDAN!" and then this girl, Anna, who has a crush on him too (if he had to pick between us, it'd definetly be me. She's not his "type".) goes "Yeah! Good luck Jordan!"
sheesh! stealing my man! lol.
And she was all like "Aw. darn. I wanted to give him a hug!" and i'm like "Yeah right." and she goes "What?" and i'm like "He's so off-limit's and you know it. That's so not cool." And she goes "Well, they've been going out for a year and 5 months, and i'm sure he's allowed to hug other girls." and i said "Yeah. I doubt it. Queen Laine rules him. He's so suffocated."
I showed HER! yes!
But yeah.
Then we went to the game that night. And sadly, we lost horribly. 34-6. Our 6 was litterally scored in the very last second. But Jordan played very well. For a safety. Blocked a lot of guys from getting a touchdown. Threw himself all over the ground.
and then the seniors did their little senior walk across the field. And of course Laine had to show everyone that Jordan is her property and was all over him and kissing him. He didn't look too excited.
Inside when I see that, i just laugh and laugh. It must really suck though. Having such a hot boyfriend, but he doesn't like you hanging all over him and kissing him. So yeah. that was Friday.
And I talked to Kyle that morning and night. And since we were hugging eachother BEFORE he told me he had some stomach problems that morning, I too had stomach problems yesterday. I was like "THANKS A LOT KYLE!" haha. But I feel a lot better now! so yeah!