Catching Up With The Heart

Jun 21, 2007 00:17

Title: Catching Up With The Heart
Author: raychcons
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Movie spoilers - maybe? :P
Warnings: Ed/Roy
Summary: It would take a while, but one day his body would catch up with his heart
Notes: Tried to make this long - it didn't really work. Don't get any ideas that this is a happy piece - it's not, I can't do them. It's depressing..ish :D

It hadn’t felt like this when their mother died.

When Trisha had died, Ed and Al had wanted to bring her back because she was their mother, they loved her, and she hadn’t deserved this horrible, sick death.

But the thing they brought back was worse than that. So.. Why was Ed contemplating doing it again?

He had finally gotten his own arm and leg back. Due to Wrath’s death and a mix up with his automail and an old friend of Dante’s, he had been able to get his limbs back, almost free of charge. Perhaps all the pain in his life was worth his body. Ed didn’t know for sure.

But now, he was wondered if perhaps giving them up again would be a good idea.

Al tried to stop him, telling him, reminding him, but he was busy. Busy with Winry and children and friends, and he thought his brother had forgotten these ‘crazy ideas’. But he hadn’t - all Al had done was make Ed more sure.

Until the Fullmetal Alchemist visited his mother’s grave on dark evening.

He felt her then. Not the Sloth her, the fake, water shaped version, but the true her, soft and gentle and proud, and it touched his heart and he knew, he knew that he shouldn’t try again. Not for anyone. Not again.

Years later, when Alphonse was a great-grandfather and Edward was a great-uncle, times changed, and the elder brother began to slip.

He found it hard to breathe. His words were not as sure as they used to be. He could hardly hear the soft sound his niece made as she spoke to him as he lay dying. And he was dying, and Ed smiled with a sort of ironic happiness.

He had wondered when his body would catch up with his heart.

And so, one night, exactly seventy five years after Edward Elric attempted to bring his mother back, he died, a soft infection by the name of Cancer being the cause.

But he was happy. At the gate, waiting for him, was a lone figure, staring at a silver pocket watch impatiently. As Ed moved forward, the white light of the gave covering his now young body as it had so many years ago, the figure looked up, and grinned.

“Took you long enough.”

“Hey, just be happy I didn’t try to bring you back, bastard. We’d have started the whole war all over again.” And the figure visibly softened, his hand reaching out and taking hold of the younger alchemists.

“Thank you, Edward. For putting up with the pain.”

“Keh, thanks for waiting.”

Hand in hand, Metal and Flame wandered the paths of the dead and the gate together, finally at peace.

ed/roy, edward elric, roy mustang, fiction, drabble

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