Title: Wishing for full circle
Author: Ree
Medium: Fanfic
Theme: Usagi - Ordinary
Genre: General/Angst
Version: Manga/Anime
Rating: G
Not mine, not yours (unless you're HER), but at least Takeuchi Naoko hasn't said we can't play.
Wishing for full circle
Yes, Diary, I am not going to put the actual date. That would be ordinary, and I don't want to be ordinary anymore. It can't really be helped, the fact that I am ordinary. I mean, I am just an normal girl who likes normal girl things. I like sweets, cute guys, and sleeping in. I like my friends and shopping. See all ordinary things. My grades aren't so good, and I'm not really good at sports... for some reason I have become very clumsy. Mom says I have always been clumsy, but I don't know whether to trust that, she was smiling in that "I'm teasing you" sort of way.
I am the elder sister... I have a little brother, Shingo. With Mom and Dad, we are a normal family. Dad is a reporter, and Mom stays home and takes care of us and the house.
But I wrote this to let you know that, even though I am a boring ordinary girl, I am not going to be ordinary here. I am going to be different. Sorry if that bothers you.
Usagi closed the pink covered book and turned the key that worked the lock embedded in the hasp. It was time to sleep. Tucking her hair up in braids, she curled up under the cover. Tomorrow she would start the first day of her second year of middle school.
Summer... Summer break...
Okay, Diary, I put the date a bit more specific this time, but it is important. Sailor V... she is so cool. She is all over the news. I wish I could be like her. She fights bad guys, and she helps the police. I bet she isn't sitting back bemoaning her grades. I bet her Mother isn't holding cram school over her head if she doesn't do better. Or sweets either.
So, why is today date a bit more specific... they are going to release a Sailor V video game! I am so going to win this game. I just have to!
Setting her pen with the bunny on the top of it down next to the tightly locked book, Usagi stared out the window. She knew she had some sort of special ability. She just had to. There was no way she was just normal. If that was true, then all her dreams would be destroyed.
The game is out! It is so hard, but I am going to keep working at it. I have to win. I just have to.
Snuggling down deep in her covers, she dreamt of how it would feel to be first place on the score listing.
Today a black cat appeared and told me that I was a senshi! That I was like Sailor V. It floored me. I couldn't believe that my dreams were coming true. I couldn't believe it... then again, I couldn't believe that Luna was talking either. I mean, I saved her from some bullies earlier, but really.
It would be really cool if I was like Sailor V, at least that is what I thought, but I found out this evening , being a senshi isn't all that fun. I'm not cut out to fight monsters, especially when they are my friend's Mom. Luna assures me that I will get better, but....
Squeezing her eyes tightly closed, Usagi was sure that Sailor V wouldn't have stopped the monster by crying, or had to have someone else save her. 'But he was really good looking... I think I could like Tuxedo Mask.' She had finally figured out how to throw her tiara, and that was the end of it. Luna had tried her best to tell her that she would improve, but as Naru leaned over her mother, crying, Usagi wasn't sure.
Really, why am I the only senshi who doesn't get a planet's name? There are nine planets, and five senshi. So, why do I have to be named after the Moon? And the others have such strong attacks. What can't I be either an ordinary girl, or an ordinary senshi? I know... I wanted to be extraordinary, and I still do. That is why... I not an extraordinary senshi, I below normal for them, and I am not an extraordinary girl. The other senshi are extraordinary in both. Look at Ami... she is so smart, acing all the national tests already, and she isn't even in high school. Makoto is really strong, good at fighting, and she is also a great cook. Rei... Rei can read the future, and she can get rid of youma without even having to transform. Then there is me. I'm just like a regular girl playing dress up. Well.. I do get to throw my tiara, but I still feel that they could win without me. Sure, I am the one that heals the youma, but still...
Dropping her head on her arms, Usagi tried not to feel bad. She was needed, she was sure of it. She had to be.
Today... today was horrible... it was great... it was one that I'm not sure what I should do about. I learned who Tuxedo Mask is. He is Mamoru, that guy who always picked on me. Will I ever get to hear him call me odango again? The silver crystal has been found. It appeared before me while I was crying. Mamoru saved my life, but was seriously injured. The crystal appeared before me... and I transformed, not to Sailor Moon, but to the Princess we have all be looking for. Me... the Princess. And Mamoru turns out to be Endymion... the prince who died trying to save me in the Moon Kingdom as well. The rest of what happened is kind of fuzzy. Some how I got out of that building. I remember the other senshi there, and Kunzite attacked us. The only other thing that I remember clearly is them telling me that Mamoru was taken prisoner by Beryl.
Beryl has my Endymion... who knows what she is going to do to Mamoru. I... I...don't want this. This pain... it hurts.
Diary, after today... I want to be an ordinary girl. I want to enjoy all the things ordinary girls enjoy. Do all the things that they do. I don't want to have magical powers. I don't want to be the reincarnation of a Princess... I don't want to fight. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me. I want everything to go back to the way it was before.
So, today... I am going to put the date. It is December 5th.
Curling up on her bed, Usagi lost the fight with the tears that had threatened ever since she heard that Mamoru was captured.