Not quite done, but here is some of the back story...
ed:2/4/09 - Done! And I think I like it.
Title: Making monsters
Author: Ree
Theme: monster mash - hairdryer
Genre: drama?
Version: PGSM- S
Rating: G
They are not mine, but we already knew that. They belong to Takeuchi Naoko .
Making monsters
Kaolinite failed. Dr. Tomoe knew it the moment it happened. Sailor Moon and the other senshi had won. Part of him felt like cheering. Leaning on his elbows, he stared at the rows of test tubes that covered the lab bench. 'Is this what I really want? Do I really want to help bring monsters into the world?' He sighed as he automatically checked the status of the eggs that were in the newest batch he received. 'This needs to end. The world doesn't need to face a monster ever corner it turns.' He turned his gaze towards the tank that sat in a prominent area of his lab. Keiko was there, floating in the green goo, the same goo that the alien eggs floated in. Realization slowly dawned on him that she wouldn't approve. She would hate him for this.
Pushing back from his bench, he leaned over the edge as he reached for the power cord. 'Deals off. I can't do this. I can't watch this any longer. I can't be part of this. Keiko would agree.' He placed his weight on the corner of the bench as he stretched further to reach the plug for Keiko's tank. The edge gave and he went tumbling to the floor. Test tubes smashed to the ground all around him, raining him with green goo, eggs, and glass.
Lying on his right side, resting in a puddle of goo and glass he stared at Keiko floating above him. His heart stopped. She was looking at him. Her eyes were open, and a worry look covered her face. His hand fell from the plug. There was no way he could pull it now. Not while she watched.
It wasn't till later that afternoon that he noticed that his right eye was stinging.
Dr. Tomoe glanced about his lab. So much had changed since the day of the accident. He had lost his sight in his right eye. That was what he got for not wearing proper eye protection. But that didn't worry him. What worried him was the black out spells that he has been suffering. That and the new equipment that was appearing in his laboratory. In the back of his head he knew its use, it was to create portable daimons for the Witches 5. A glow of satisfaction swelled in his chest. Yes... it was time to create a new monster. Mad laughter cackled through the room as he gathered the materials he needed. A toaster, a hairdryer, some dirt, and a rice maker. And I shall place them all in a large puddle of goo inside the monster maker.' Smiling madly, he arranged his ingredients and added the last one, a daimon's egg.
As Eudial took the case with her to retrieve the heart crystals, he was sure that this was the best monster he had ever created.
Eudial pulled up to the photo shoot. The black star on her van stood out like a beacon to the rest of the world, but only a few people really understood what it meant. She hoped that they weren't there today, she didn't feel like facing the senshi. Her luck ran out as the littlest one, the one with pink hair, discovered her. Without a backwards glance, she released the daimon. Turning her fire buster onto her victim, went to get his heart crystal.
ChibiUsa danced about as the daimon alternated between attempting to cook her with a hairdryer attack or make her into a piece of toast.
"Pink Sugar Heart Attack!" Pink hearts shot out of her wand right at the creature.
"That will not hurt me!" The daimon opened up the lid that made its stomach, and the little hearts vanished into the darkness with in. IT then closed the lid and pushed a small button on its side.
MiniMoon frowned. 'What has it done to my attack! Surely I can defeat this thing.' Aiming once again she attacked while the timer was still on. "Pink Sugar Heart Attack!" The little pink hearts sputtered to life, only to fall short of the daimon.
The daimon shot out a long cord and caught MiniMoon before she could dance out of the way. "You shall be toast." It turned the hairdryer on full blast, blowing the little senshi off her feet. Then it used the cord to draw her closer.
"Supreme Thunder!" Lightening crashed into the creature short-circuiting it. "Now is your chance Moon!"
"Moon Spiral Heart Attack!" A large heart hit the daimon. It faded away as it cried out Lovely.
"MiniMoon, where is Eudial?"
MiniMoon pointed to the fashion model that was slumped on the ground. Kneeling next to him was the two mysterious senshi with his heart crystal floating above their hand.
Letting it go, the blonde shook her head. "This is not one."
Eudial frowned as she jumped back into her car. She would find the talismans. And she would find a daimon that could defeat the senshi.
Dr. Tomoe swirled the test tube, contemplating the egg that floated in it. This one was strong and needed a special form. What could he create for its body. A maniacal grin spread across his face as he considered his next creation.