Baby #2-- 17 weeks

Jul 29, 2010 15:59

Yes, I'm 17 weeks pregnant today, can you believe it?! It really seems like this pregnancy is flying along much faster than my pregnancy with Raya...probably b/c she keeps me on the go!

I had a doctor's appt. today. I have lost 4 pounds (yippee...I lost with Raya in the beginning too, just b/c I"m nauseous....don't worry, I start gaining soon enough!!) blood pressure was "awesome" as usual, urine was good, baby's heartrate was 146. All in all a really good appointment! The only little thing is that my uterus continues to feel short/small to my doctors. At my 13 week appt. they felt the fundal height (how high my uterus is) and it should be about 1 inch for every week along you are. At that time they didn't think it felt very big and that's one of the reasons they had me do a dating ultrasound...b/c they thought I was probably not as far along as I thought. However the ultrasound showed the baby was measuring right on and the doctor decided to keep my due date as Jan 6th (yay for not having it pushed back!). Well this time I had a different doctor who also agreed that my uterus isn't as high as average at this point should be about 17 inches above my pubic bone now and it's quite a bit shorter than that. However once again they said they aren't concerned at all b/c they think it's probably just b/c I"m tall and long waisted and maybe my uterus is positioned back a little or something, but since the baby measured right on last time they said it's nothing to worry about. So I guess I won't worry! It just bugs me a little b/c I always measure exactly on with Raya....this little one is trying to be different already :-P

...but the best news of all today? Even though my next appt. isn't until Aug. 19th, they decided to schedule my ultrasound for Aug. 12th!!!! That's in exactly 2 weeks people! In 2 weeks I can stop calling baby a he/she....I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will it be a boy or girl? I just can't wait to find out!!!!

And while I will be happy with any healthy baby, I am still rooting for team girl. It's really for no "good" reason, only materialistic ones haha...but I mean, come on....Raya's hair clippies are out of control....we need two baby girls in this house to make use of them all!

And while I will suck it up and buy boy clothes if I have to, they will never be able to compete with the girlie wardrobe we've accumulated. How sad would it be if all this was only for one baby girl, instead of 2?! If Raya ends up being our only girl then some day we will have to have one hell of a garage sale lol   (and this is only sizes 12+ months.....all of her 0-12 month stuff is already boxed up and put away, hoping to come out in January!)

So if the pregnancy gods are into fashion at all they will reveal baby #2 to be another sweet baby girl! If the pregnancy gods don't like fashion then I guess we'll be having a baby boy haha.

And finally, baby #2 is already getting the shaft, as I have not taken any belly photos until today! But here is my belly, in all it's 17 weeks along glory :-)

...and b/c the real reason you're all here is to see pics of adorable baby girl #1, here is Raya showing you all why it's never a good idea to drink and drive :-)

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