So... I am 87% of the way to Silver. Less than 6000 calories left to burn! And then... It's on to gold. What will I do after I achieve gold? Interesting question...
My mother is in the hospital. If everything is going on schedule, she is about halfway through neck surgery. Here's hoping and praying all goes well, she recovers quickly, and that it fixes all the problems she's been having. *sends Mama a virtual hug*
I'm thinking flowers, Ree. What do you think? Chicken noodle soup would be nice (well, she'd probably prefer ham and bean or vegetable beef), but I'm too far away to send that, hahaha.
ETA @ 16:00: Dad just called. Mom is out of surgery now (right about on time) and seems to have survived okay. In fact, the doctor has hinted that she may be able to go home tomorrow instead of Sunday or Monday. ^-^ That would be good.
I think that the people of Gainesville should form an old fashioned bucket brigade if that hyped up nut decides to burn that holy book after all. It would be their civic duty to help them put out a fire before it got out of control, ne?
I wonder... If he burns it page by page, does he need a permit? Is there a limit on how big the fire has to be before he needs one? Campfire for roasting hot dogs and marshmallow size? Bigger? Smaller?
He has every right to free speech. I have every right not to listen. And as long as they don't stop or physically harm him, anyone else has the right to try and drown him out with their own speech.
I remember... There used to be a house on my drive home, sorta in my neighborhood, with very anti-semetic statements written in large white letters on the wall of the dark brown house. He turned his house into a huge sign that accused Jews of killing his daughter among other things. As long as it was painted on his house (not a free standing sign that somehow broke town ordinances), no one could do anything about it. All you could do was try to ignore it as you drove by, and it was hard even if you drove by every day. I was so glad when it finally went away. After he died, they demolished the house and built something else there. Anyway, he had the right to his opinion and to express his beliefs, and so does the man down in Florida. Just because they represent a tiny minority doesn't mean that they need to be silenced. But, man, I can't wait until he shuts up and the media forgets about him for a while.
In the meantime, though, the majority has to make their opinion perfectly clear. Let the injured party/parties know that while we cannot and will not deprive this man of his legal rights or freedoms unless he harms someone or breaks a law, we are on their side in this. Thus, the bucket brigade idea. Or better yet, a water balloon fight fiesta! :)
So... I have this strange thought regarding the Bad Wolf stuff. I don't think Rose was the Bad Wolf. Ah... no... I think it was the TARDIS. Or the TARDIS Rose (kinda like the Doctor Donna). The way she acted... Calling him "my Doctor"... That was very un-Rose like. But I could imagine that being very TARDIS like. The first time the words BAD WOLF appear, they are painted on the side of the TARDIS. The helicopter (a mode of transportation) was called BAD WOLF 1 in the Dalek episode. The TV station and the satellite were both owned by BAD WOLF corporation (communications). The power plant built on the Cardiff Rift? Something linked to the Space/Time vortex? It's got to be the TARDIS! Haha, I know, I know. Those are a bit of a stretch, and I can't fit in the Face of Boe's Bad Wolf comment in the second episode into this theory, but that "my Doctor" really points that way for me. A TARDIS/Human Meta Crisis! Good thing the Doctor was able to help Rose without deleting her memories and knowledge like he had to do with Donna.
Just my little thoughts.
You know, I'm not big on reading romance into Doctor/Companion relationships (the only one that I ever really thought that of was Romana II). And I'm not really into Doctor/Companion romances. But the Ninth Doctor and Rose? I could see that. It developed so very nicely and naturally and actually made sense. I can also see him panicing and over reacting when he realizes what's happened. Oh yes, I can see the end of School Reunion and The Girl In the Fireplace as being very much in overall character. That's as far as I've gotten, partly because I'd run out of time and partly because I know I'm going to be mad at him soon... I'm going to have to get through that ick soon, though, aren't I. *sigh* At least I know I like Donna and I love Amy. And the tiny bit I've seen of Martha hasn't been too bad. I have reason to keep going, hahaha. I definitely like Nine and Eleven better than Ten, though. Ten's all right, but Nine and Eleven were a lot more fun, hahaha. I guess I just like him happy and a manic. Hmm... Might be why I liked Four the best, too...
Alas, now I must bid you all farewell. Lunch is well over, and I must back to work be getting. I am still healthy, pretty happy, and well. J is doing all right despite the stress of his job. I regret that the beautiful warm weather of summer has been abruptly banished by the chill of autumn, but that's the way the seasons turn. I do hope for some real rain, though. It's been dry here recently. But no rain on the days when I am learning to run for my 5k. Which, I ran five minutes straight without stopping on Tuesday! 5 whole minutes! Alas, it was too chilly and dreary to run yesterday, but I get to try and repeat that on Saturday. ^-^
But really, off I go. Have a great day everyone!