[FIC]: All Things Start Small

Apr 02, 2009 00:39

Okay, after a week or so of staring at this, I finally figured I could hand it over.

Title: All Things Start Small
Authour: devlinnreiko 
Rating: PG
Characters: Adrian Veidt, kitty!Bubastis
Summary:  Eugenics has proven to come along just nicely.

"Mr. Veidt, development has reached a successful stage that previous attempts had not. We feel that the results have reached the level of your expectations,” an accented voice revealed in his report to Adrian on the process of a side development Veidt Enterprises had been conducting over the past two years. Adrian smiled slightly at the news that was delivered.

“Wonderful. Are there any limitations or restrictions inhibiting further development?” he asked leaning back in his chair signaling to his next meeting that he would be just another moment.

“None that we’ve observed,” the man on the phone said confidently.

“Good then. You can expect me to be there within forty-eight hours,” Adrian said ending the conversation, placing the phone back into the handle. Sighing, he looked up to the man currently occupied with the newly acquired artifacts that were on display. Pushing the chair away from the desk, Adrian brushed down the front of his waist coat as if smoothening out any wrinkles before he lifted his chin slightly and walked over to the other occupant in the room.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Rigmor,” Adrian said welcoming the man who jumped slightly and turned around to face him quickly. Adrian looked at the badge on his coat and reckoned he was here for another interview. “What can I do for you today?”

Everything jolted forward slightly as the small jet plane landed on the freshly ploughed runway; even the most established of jets were not omitted from the occasional winds and snow of Antarctica. Adrian glanced out the window, looking upon his home away from home,smirking at the thought that he felt more comfortable and at peace here, away from the lifestyle he had been making for himself. A few minutes passed as the jet slowly came to a stop. An assistant was soon at Adrian’s side, a large, but fashionable coat hanging over his arms.

“Mr. Veidt, everything is set if you’re ready to deplane,” the assistant said as Adrian smiled lightly putting a folder into his bag exchanging it for the coat. Slipping it on, Adrian moved towards the door feeling the shift in the air, as the door opened and the biting wind rushed into the compartment. The stairs were lowered and Adrian nodded to the man at the bottom as he stepped down and made his way towards the opening doors of Karnak. Ahead, Adrian could see the few figures waiting to greet him.

“Welcome back, Mr. Veidt. I hope you trip was pleasant,” an assistant asked as he accepted the coat that Adrian removed upon entering the building. The large metallic doors closed with a force, blocking out any wind or sound from outside.

“It was as usual,” Adrian replied with a slight smile and nod. His fingers moved to his cuffs, undoing the cufflinks with ease, pocketing them before he continued to roll up his sleeves, trying to get comfortable after the lengthy flight.

“Do you wish to eat and relax first or-”

“I’d rather just get to business. After all, that’s why I came here,” Adrian said by passing the steps to his dining hall and continuing on to the laboratories. Walking at a leisure pace, he watched the scientists moving around the enclosed room, papers being handed back and forth and notes added.  The doors were opened by a scientist who saw Adrian approaching and he bowed his head slightly to acknowledge Adrian.

“Good afternoon, sir. It’s welcoming to see you again,” the stout tan man said as Adrian inclined his head.

“Yes, I was rather surprised to hear you call yesterday,” Adrian said, walking into the room. “Where is the subject?” he asked as the scientist smiled excitedly.

“This way,” he said, directing Adrian to a corner where a glass containment unit was situated. Peering through the glass Adrian didn’t betray any emotion he might have felt.

“Open the top,” Adrian said, eyes watching the subject within the glass. A clasp was removed and the glass lid lifted away.

“There’s no bio-contact dangers,” the scientist said as Adrian nodded. He raised his hands over the glass side letting them fall into the containment unit, feeling warm air brush over his knuckles, followed by a warm and slightly damp pressure. Waiting patiently, Adrian remained focused as the small ball of crimson and mauve fur inspected his hands curious to the new and foreign scent that had entered the unit. Deciding that the object wasn’t harmful the small creature bowed and rubbed its small head against Adrian’s fingers ears folding in contact. Unnoticed by the others, Adrian’s lips twitched upward slightly, the only sign that he was amused. Figuring the feline was at an acceptable level, he quickly moved his hands to grip the cub in his hands and lifted the animal up to inspect it.

“What is the gender?” Adrian asked. The man next to him adjusted his glasses looking at Adrian.

“Female; the chromosomes seemed to react better to the blending of foreign agents.”

“And there are no defects?” Adrian continued, watching as the cub fought his hands, twisting and chewing harmlessly at his fingers.

“None. It’s the result that you asked for; a successful attempt at eugenics,” the man continued as Adrian nodded.

“Is she susceptible to any air-borne or bio-agents in the environment?” he questioned turning her again and adjusting his grip, before looking over to the shorter man.

“No. She’s just as capable to live in any environment like any other cat. We’ve just kept her here for observation and to keep her out of trouble. She possesses a more modified behaviour, but has quite a curiosity streak,” the man said as Adrian smirked amused.

“Well that’s to be expected. If you have no other tests to run, I’d like to take her out of here,” Adrian asked turning to the scientist watching the man scan through his notes quickly. Shaking his head he stepped out of the way.

“All the tests seem to be complete; just a matter of waiting for your approval,” he said watching his boss nod.

“Indeed. I’m grateful to you and your team. I’m certainly pleased with the results,” Adrian said, congratulating them. Moving the cub to be held in one hand and supported against his chest, Adrian extended his right hand to shake hands with the head scientist, his gesture accepted and returned.

“Thank you, Mr. Veidt,” the man said looking back at his notes about to walk away, but turned slightly back. “Excuse me sir, but what name did you have in mind?” the man asked as Adrian looked at the cub.

“Bubastis,” he answered watching as Bubastis rolled her head to look up at him sideways. “I’m sure you know the meaning.”

“Of course,” the scientist said, nodding abd walking away.

“Any reports I haven’t read yet, bring them to my study,” Adrian said adjusting Bubastis again as she continued to fidget in his grip.

“Yes sir. I’ll have them ready within twenty-four hours,” the man said as Adrian started to leave, waving off an assistant who asked if he wanted Bubastis taken to a room. Adrian dismissed the others, telling them he would be in the observatory room.  As much as their help was welcomed, Adrian’s independence was one of his driving forces; how was one to accomplish things and grow if others did all their actions for them. Not to mention, Adrian was curious and intrigued by the life form in his grip that had been created by bending the laws that many thought shouldn’t be broken. Like a child who received their first pet, or a parent who interacted with their child for the first time, Adrian wanted to see what would become of Bubastis. Would she possess some sort of intelligence or adaptability that other creatures didn’t possess? Would she be loyal to him just because of her need for survival?  Or maybe something unexpected?

Entering another room Adrian walked towards the single chair that sat in front of numerous screens, each one black and reflecting slightly. Lowering himself into the chair, he let his occupied arm fall to the ground, releasing Bubastis and letting her go about as she pleased. Picking up the remote, he turned the screens on watching as numerous channels flickered by every few seconds, their coverage ranging from cartoon to news and movies to music.

Bubastis stood still in her spot, unsure of how to go about with the new surroundings. The extra sounds were confusing, each one changing every so often. Adrian glanced down quickly, wanting to see what she would do. If she displayed intelligence like the scientist said, she would react in a more progressive and exploratory way.  As if she had heard his thought, Bubastis raised her head to look back and up at him, her eyes focused before curiosity took over. Seeing the lights flicker on the screen, Bubastis walked over to the screens sniffing and nudging the screens she could reach waiting for a reaction. Realizing she couldn’t get anything from them she concentrated on the movement, turning her head as a screen changed and moving over to inspect it.

Adrian sat back, observing as she went about this. He watched her try to solve the puzzle that had been presented, her head moving with each changing channel. It took a few minutes before Adrian watched her back up slowly. Smirking slightly he mentally congratulated her. Bubastis had quickly proven her ability to figure things out; she realized that the further she was away the easier she could follow the changes on the screen. Watching the cub turn and paw back to his side, he lowered a hand as Bubastis recognized it, rubbing her head in his palm. Adrian lifted Bubastis up letting her rest on his lap. The crimson cub sniffed curious of the remote that rested on the opposite chair arm, before losing interest in it, gently swatting at Adrian’s tie. Moving a hand he pulled it out of her grip not letting it fall victim to her claws. Bubastis attempted again, but was stopped by Adrian’s hand nudging her away.

So far she had proven herself to be curious and a logical thinker, able to quickly see her limitations, which was more than what Adrian could say of some people unfortunately. He ran his fingers through her fur, the purrs vibrating against his touch. Sensing a change, Bubastis lowered herself till she was curled on Adrian’s lap, leaning against the arm of the chair on her side eyes following the screens again. Watching for another few moments, Adrian smirked before shifting his view back towards the screen.

“I know it looks like a mess and a futile attempt, but this world can be fixed. A solution just needs to be found,” Adrian told her knowing she wouldn’t understand, but the manner of what her companionship would be to him established the confidence he needed to find a way.


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