i've been doing a lot of silva method work the last few days. it was sort of spurred on by having breakfast with my friend paula on sunday. i've been focusing on the self-healing course stuff, working on karma clearing, pillar of light and stuff like that. this morning, i did the silva energizer--which is sort of a quicker version of the pillar of light. i can feel the changes.
while taking a shower, a chant that
mrscogan wrote when we were forming our coven back in oklahoma came to mind and i've been singing it (out loud and inside) to myself all morning. it's a simple, healing chant, but it always makes me feel more healed, more empowered and grateful that i have such a wonderful friend in my life. of course, singing that chant ("i ask that healing light...") brought to mind another chant she wrote ("grace and peace come now...") and that one's going through my head as well.
lastly, i just checked 365gay for the day's queer news. does anyone care about this miss california vs. perez hilton thing? i'm so over it. i did read a nice little opinion piece by james withers, which was on target but way too short.
ok, i have to walk the doggie, go get breakie and stop by the post office will call line to pick up a package i missed yesterday (due to the fact that i have to work for a living).
love. and barbarella.