(no subject)

Sep 06, 2009 07:48

 Today = work. work. work. In ten minutes, I shall start my homework. I should finish by 10 or so :p I also have to feed Ysah and take care of her this whole day because my dad decided to WORK this weekend. I could have been KAYAKING AGAIN but no :p Well at least Marissa is coming over around 12 or 1 :p I'm kinda :[ about this weekend now. I want to have so much fun but I can't. I want to hang out more with Ejay but I can't.  If only my mom was here :[ She let me Ejay hang out during 3 day weekends :[ Grrr. I miss my mom :[ She's not coming back till the 16th of this month :p /lameee.

Anyways I FINALLY made a msn :D it's rawritseeenax3@live.com :D Please tell me yours so I know random people are adding me to their list XD Ha. I shall comment away tomorrow :D


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