Whuuuut? She's back?!

Sep 02, 2009 19:09

 I haven't been on LJ at all since my last post. School is really ugh. Plus I keep getting a fever. I'm still caught up in freaking drama. WTH? But anyways I miss you all <3 Keep contact with me thru aim, yeah? [: My aim sn is haebbyx3 and once again, I'm more active in facebook or tumblr. I post short little things on them and not long meaningful ones like on LJ XD well sometimes in tumblr, I do [: I'm terribly sorry for being a bad LJ friend :[ PROMISE; THIS 3 DAY WEEKEND I WILL COMMENT ON PPL'S ENTRIES D< Or right now since I ACTUALLY FINISHED HOMEWORK EARLY XD Hahaha~ 
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