
Jun 28, 2009 22:45

 Ejay.Gone.SanDiego.3 or 4 days. Yna=dead. LOL. I kidd. Well I've been feeling empty a lot since summer unless I'm talking to Ejay or is with Ejay. It's like right now, he is MY happiness. Recently, I've been distant with my first closest real friends, and it really is sad-- But I honestly don't know what to do. It seems as if though I am no longer part of the "Sunset Krew" I was in which included Claudine,Nadinne,Demee and Me. It's more of just the three of them. It is my fault. I felt insecure and drifted away first. I grew distant from Claudine ever since high school both started for us due to many reasons[well just two actually, but more than one is too many.] As for Mommy Nadinne, I felt like she was closer to her other friends and that me and her were no longer compatible as friends, I know, I'm weird :( As for my lovely Demsaeng[Demee/Demeesshi], I also felt she grew closer to friends at school. Of course, I didn't realize it THAT quick... I realized it a little too late actually. I, myself, was closer to friends at school which wasn't bad. { I never had friends in school until 3rd grade XD Then I moved to another school and had no friends until 5th grade XD } Now, I just don't know how to get back on track with them when I always feel left out now. Plus every time we plan, nothing happens because it's either I can't go or Claudine+Nadinne's mom is too busy to drop 'em off or something :| This summer I had a to do list, but I don't know if I can achieve any of them. However I am working on exercising XP I am now doing 30-40 sit ups a day and I got a hula hoop today so yay sit ups AND hula hoop<3 :D Such joy for exercising XD Gotta loose 10 lbs :p It's really just my legs that are bugging me but I don't want to jog XD LOL.

FANDOM; I am currently watching Introducing A Star's Friend with Eunhyuk+Teukie with Chansung and Jay with ENG SUBS :D I love it ;D Hehe Elsubs ARE SUBBING IT<3 AND LOL. That one guy from MNIKSS is also in it XD I can't wait for the other parts to it ^^ So far, I've watch 3 parts out of 8(: Boom is now one of my heroes. PLUS I love Star King+SuPM XDD LOL. Someone please sub that show cause it is seriously pure love with SuPM XD ROFL. I am also watching City Hall which stars my favorite Korean actress of all time, Kim Sun Ah! ;D So yeah, I guess that will somehow keep me company while my dear lover is away. { He can't keep in contact with me. His mom disapproves of it :p Man, she's really not nice.....she's mean to put it in a simpler way XP } 

life, 2pm, city hall, friends, super junior, fandom, kim sun ah, personal

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