Why is he so cute? D:

Jun 22, 2009 23:47

 Hey F-list :D It is currently 11:50 PM here in California XD I barely hung up on Ejay a couple of minutes ago. Why? Because of my dad XD lol. ANYWAYS-- He was at it again. That little boy loves talking about us getting married. He really wants us to get married XD Not that, that's bad ;D I think it's too cute for words<3 He even wants us to get older now so we can get married XDDD LOL. I think life with him would be amazing but I don't want us to get that old just yet XD It was cute though ^^ Hearing him get all excited. He plans on having two kids XD One girl named Yna [ROFL. When he says "Let's go" in the future Daughtie Yna will say "Okay dadddy" and me being the adult Yna will say "Yes Honey." XDDDDD *Explodes.] One boy named Donghae. ROFL. YES. DONGHAE! He imagines a lot of things. Shall I make a list? XD AHAHAHA. Well I'll say some ^^ Okay so this weird litto boy whom I absolutely love has a habit of sleeping with no shirt on during the summer and no pajamas during the cold seasons [which I do not understand]. So I'm like I think he's going to keep that habit of his. How am I suppose to handle it? XD He said we'll be more mature. XD AHAHAHA. I know but still. Talking about it at THIS AGE XD Then he was talking about the things he'd do for me like cook for me, breakfast in bed, and everything, Suddenly he asks me what would I do when we get married and I said I don't know. Then it lead us to me waking him up and I was thinking how. In my head, I was thinking kiss but I said I'd sit on him because, I'm Yna, I'm shy like that XD However Ejay being Ejay said "You know what would be better?" and of course I said, "What?" and he answered "If you'd kiss me, and I'd be all Heyy." ROFL. He even imagines him getting out of the shower with a towel on just the bottom part and me seeing him with his wet natural hair. LOL. Honestly now XD Even I myself don't know how I manage to control myself from fangirl screaming? I'm just there, quiet, smiling. Even I CANNOT imagine such things but he's the one putting all these ideas in my head XD Now tell me, how can I NOT love him? XD I'd love to type more but I am now talking to him and Demee on myspaceIM XD Hehe. Sorry F-list. I'm in girlfriend fangirl mode? XD But hey I'm updating more? ;D I love you guys<3 

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