Super ;D

Oct 27, 2008 19:16

I got my Super Show DVD today :D Currently watching it (: Pwuahaha. So excited about this because it's well hello SUPER JUNIOR! :D Plus I don't think I can go to any of their concerts :p If they come here next year for the Korean Hollywood Bowl then maybe I MIGHT go. IF and only if we have money by then :p LOL. I know that you guys are probably saying, her icon doesn't match her LJ entry xD Leave me alone xD I love Jae Jin so much x3 [[; I got so addicted to him but I want more english subbed videos of him plus I want to hear him sing more <3 [: He should sing more because his voice is beautiful ;]] Plus I want a GIF of him D: Then a GIF Icon so I will be searching for one tonight :D I wonder if there's a lot :D Well that's all I had to say xD hahaha. WAIT! About this one guy I like, it's become more than I like D: hahaha. I like it though  ;D

jae jin, super junior, life

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