Just Because

Oct 22, 2008 19:47

I cried yesterday. Me and my dad had a stupid argument in the car xD I was talking about how sad the song She's Gone by Super Junior was. Then he was all “How do you know that?" So I told him about you know translations. Then he argued with me saying people can lie to me D: Then I argued that he means that all those people who translated it are liars. Then he asked me if I knew them personally and I couldn't say anything D: I was thinking in my head; what the hell?! I know I don't know them but I doubt that everyone is going to translate some song "just for fun" to mess with people. Then he kept going on and on that I still don't know what the song means O.o He said that the person who translated it probably made it up. Of course, I would get mad. It's E.L.Fs who translated it! >< Why would they lie to other E.L.Fs who can't understand Korean about Super Junior?! Aish~ really. Then I argued with him later that how does he know that scientists don't lie O.o They can just be talking big and lying to us about this fact or whatever. That can also be made up D: Ha! LOL. That is all I had to say. Plus well I got to buy the Super Show DVD because last Friday, I slept at 2 am typing my mom's homework. Of course, since she got a "excellent" grade [her teacher said it was. LOL. She doesn't know it is the DAUGHTER -who is 32 years YOUNGER- is the one who really did an excellent job xD Although everybody that my mom knows in her class knows]. Oh my. I had a Bio test that day though. I got the results back today. I got 12/14 in the multiple choice part and then 9/12 in the essay part. She got the total which is 21/26 leaving me with approximately 81% :p I was mad >< I already have an A- in that class! I don't need it to go down any lower. I got quarter grades. All A's. Well Two A- :p FRENCH and BIOLOGY >< French, I can handle again, but Bio... I never did good in Science D< Someone help me! xD I AM DETERMINED TO  RAISE MY GRADES TO ALL As! NO A-! XD Well bye bye for now. I am going to watch Love Marriage Episode 12 part 5 out of 7 xD ILY ALL <3 Take Care (: Plus I hope your week is good so far ^^

super junior, school, life

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