Thee Smex and My Life ;D

Oct 12, 2008 19:48

LOL. Kamenashi Kazuya is simply a sexy beast huh? xD After my HYD addiction [I finished HYD in 2 days, I could've in a day if I didn't have SCHOOL -.-"] I started to watched Nobuta Wo Produce (: Then I got addicted to YamaKi [[= Plus thought that Kamenashi Kazuya is such a cutie. I searched for videos and omgah. ROFL. ALL of the videos were just freaking sexy. That's all I can say xD I'm scared to watch them because my mom might pop out of nowhere and see it xD She might be all " There's half naked guys! Why are you watching this?!" xD I officially declare Kame as THEE smex, yo. I don't know why xD lol. He's just freaking sexy. No joke. Lol. That's all I had to say but now I want to talk more :D And aw poop, I don't have a matching icon for this entry xD It is mostly about Kame but oh well :p Too lazy right now to go look for an icon, hehe.

Oh yeah! I took this freaky test or whatever in myspace. It told me some steps and then I had to follow them and the outcome was FREAKISHLY CORRECT! D: I was so shocked. I'm telling myself, it's just a coincidence, Romina. Just a coincidence but I can't get over it! XD LOL. Now I'm scared xD aha. It says at the end that if I repost it, my wish will come true, which I doubt but I reposted it anyways. It won't hurt to repost it (:

Well tomorrow is Monday. Yay and nay. Yay because wohoo friends [[: Nay because of French and Biology and PE. Poop but at least I don't have to stick at home and get yelled at :P Well Mom's gonna be at school too so never mind then. If I stayed, then I WOULD HAVE FUN D: I should go watch some shows x]

&& omgah. I so want the Super Show DVD! >< I really want to watch it! I have the CD but I also want the DVD because um hello, YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE THEM PERFORM XD LOL. And it's so high quality! <3 I saw some DVD rips and downloaded it. I love it x3 (: Plus saw scans of the photobook somewhere, don't ask xD I can't take it out of the site. Back to the DVD rips. Omgah Hannie and Teuk hugged when they were singing Happiness x3 [: That was the cutest thing ever for me :D Since I barely see their brotherly love xD I didn't get to see any HaeTeuk love though :p Oh well. I must wait patiently (: BUT LOL! The whole YMCA thing was so adorable x3 Such dorks <3

Well now that I mentioned the beloved SuJu members. I really do want a boyfriend. I sound desperate huh xD LOL. I'M TOO YOUNG! [People say so] NOT! >< But hmm I don't know. I want one right now but then I kind of want to be like those other girls who don't experience their first love until they're like hmm what---17 or 18 years old XD Either will be fine because all my friends nowadays are too busy to talk to me really. I'm slowly starting to become isolated O.o I am satisfied right now though because I finally got to see my best friends after a long time of not seeing each other XD We didn't get to take pictures though! Nadinne was sleepy and then yeah. So me and Claudine didn't take any. Maybe next time (: Hopefully I see them soon! I hate not seeing them in a day! That's our biggest problem. Nadinne and Claudine are sisters, Nadinne-REV student. Claudine-LLA student. Romina[me]-RHS student. Aish! Really! >< They barely get to go to our church either :p But I'm glad I get to see Ejay and Demee almost every week ^^ Then there are school friends but they're not as close to me as Claudine, Nadinne, Demee and Ejay so of course yeah. I long for my friends outside of school. Absence makes the heart grow fonder? Is that the quote? xD lol. I don't know. Something about absence and the heart. I think that's it though [[:

Back to boyfie subject. Not to be all picky but I do have an "ideal" boyfriend but I remember one of my celebrity crushes saying that ideal isn't the best or something. I just remember the quote being very meaningful but didn't get it word for word xD I think it was Arron Yan Ya Lun <3 [: What a cutie btw xD Anyways hmmm I want him to be like how Teukie is with letting me do the things I usually do and let me "free" but not too free. I kind of want him to be jealous once in awhile xD Plus have a good laugh and yeah. I kind of want every trait Teukie has in my future boyfriend but then again--- I wouldn't mind a guy like Donghae xD Then I want him to be like Donghae by how he's such a cute childish yet romantic guy :D I guess a mix of Donghae and Teukie? LOL. And oh oh oh a mix of Ya Lun-ness in there ;] <3 LOL. But I'm stupid. I always end up liking guys who don't even come close to any of these! XD Maybe it's because I AM too young to find someone like what I described. Maybe when I get older, I'll find that someone special for me (: I will wait <3

Well wow, this post is longer than I planned XD well bye bye now f-list (: ILY all <3

super junior, kamenashi kasuya, school, life, friends

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