
Oct 07, 2008 19:14

Oh so addicted to the whole Makino/Rui pairing. I know I know, they're not the main couple but let me be! I haven't felt so good about a pairing since my fave pairing disappeared :[ Jennylyn Mercado had to stop working of course because she was pregnant, leaving Mark Herras with a bunch of not so lovely girls -.-" They don't act that good :p The girls that got paired up with mark without Jen. However there were some who were okay with me (: AND ohhh! I feel like Shun+Mao are tie to my beloved MarkJen pairing. Now that is BIG! Since I've been their fan since 2004! :D A true TOPAK at heart <3 [Topak; Mark + Jen fan (: ] Anyways back to Shun and Mao. Really, I say these two should work together again someday soon [[: I really really want to see them actually end up together. May it be in a show or movie. HOWEVER I don't want Shun to act like a bad guy at first then soften up. I'm getting tired of that sotryline. You know, bad guy turned good because of a girl. I've watched it too many times and it was cute but I'm now sick of it -.-" I want something new and original :D I might even start writing a fanfiction on them if I can't hold in my imagination anymore xD LOL.

Moving on to school, another French skit again. Although I have a A in that class, I don't like skits. I hate having to go up front to present in front of class. I'm really really nervous when it comes to those. And anybody... Would you mind telling me how to say "What time does the party start?" in French? The book isn't helping me and I have notes but I am not sure if it's right :[ Then there's stupid biology class. My bio teacher made me pair up with some stupid football player who does NOTHING AT ALL >< He talks to his friends leaving me all the work. I don't get why the teacher likes to pair us up. She has no good reason at all! It's so obvious that everyone in class know each other and that we have friends in the class to work with. She makes us choose our own partners then she does, a whole on and off thing. I don't like it though. I hate the guy she paired me up with. He's really annoying. I heard he was nice last year until he became a show off since he joined football. I went to the same school as him last year and he did seem nice but not anymore -.-" He has the nerve to get all mad that he got me as his partner too. Psh he's lucky, I have a A and he has a C! >< But omgah, my A will probably turn to a B D: I hope not! >< Quarter ends on Friday and I don't want a B+ on my progress report! >< I will do my best this week in Biology!!! >< FIGHTING!

Plus ever since I found out who my crush liked, I actually did change.Just slightly though, I'm not as hypher or loud. I accept it though but me and him don't talk as much anymore. I find it disappointing. I really wanted to be close friends with him because he is really nice. Maybe he feels awkward? Idk. He doesn't even know that I like him O.o Not unless he's been reading my myspace comments secretly to find out who I like xD LOL. Which I doubt O.o It was addicting talking to him everyday though (: It was fun. Good times, good times. Well bye bye now (:

hana yori dango, school, life, biology, french

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