# 4

May 30, 2011 16:09

Currently down with a flu.

Don't feel so good.

But still went to work, in fact is at work right now, obviously bored and abusing the working hours to pen down some thoughts here...haha.

Saw a tweet from @lyanalyst that she and her sister are painting her brother's room. And that reminded me of how not too long ago, I had thought of painting my room, but that never materialised.

Because of work.

And I'm not trying to make work as an excuse, but ever since I started working, I haven't been able to do things I want / need for myself, as it takes half day right, as I work 830am-5pm. Back from work, my body and mind are too exhausted to do anything.Not to mention there are clothes to fold and dishes to wash. My mom takes care of the house during the day, so the daughters (especially, tho not necessarily - Boys, learn to do chores please) have to take over for the night session right.

I'm frustrated with how my room looks like at the moment. So messy and unorganized, I bet if a guy comes to my house with the intention to take my hand in marriage, he'd let my hand go. haha!

Kidding aside, I have decided to set goals / things I need and have to do for my own good, and others..hee (time is not an essence,lol). In no particular order:-

1. Clean/ organise/ rearrange/ beautify my room;
2. Rearrange my folded / hanged clothes;
3. Learn graphic designs - like really really master the skill, okeyh;
3. Learn how to play the guitar. And piano. And drums;
4. Learn music composition / writing. After mastering no. 3, of course;
5. Quickly finish my pupillage and get my ass out to freedom, and stay away from this horrid hellhound;
6. Done with no. 5 - enjoy some quality time (a bit general, but still) with family and good friends - after that find a well-paid job and a happy place of working, so that I'd enjoy going to work, instead of dreading myself out of bed every morning, like I do now (almost every single day.);
7. Find more things to be put into this list. :)

I wish I had this as my bed room...

Edit : wow, entries two days in a row. I'm on a roll..!..? haha


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