Oct 20, 2003 11:26
i had a dream last night. And in this dream i was wearing a black robe...a judges robe to be exact. I was also wearing one of those old wigs that the senates and such used to wear. You know the wigs that the cartoons depict judges wearing. Well i was seated in an old fashioned courtroom. It was hot a nd evryone had those martin luther king type of fans they were using. The ones that black churches always have. The courtroom was packed. I didnt know why iwas there, nor why I was the judge. Soon the opening arguments began. The prosecutor began talking about people i knew...individuals. Saying things that i had remembered them doing...but some were years ago. After he spoke, the defense did a poor job. I kept thinking he must be a new defense lawyer. Anyway, this wasnt really formatted in a typical courtroom agenda. Instead each person i knew from past and present was sent before me. First was my old old old best friend. He left me years ago because i had become a christian... Now i saw him in my dream, he was deathly skinny, hadnt shaved since God knows when, and just unpleasant to look at. I sat there looking at him in the eyes, and i said "on the account of....(i dont remember what i said)...GUILTY" And then in front of my eyes 2 "people" dressed in long black robes(remindded me of those ring wreaths from LOTR) came up to him. I heard classical music plaing rather loudly by this point and no other sounds. The song if i heard it again i could recognize it. Then they were executing him, cutting off his limbs, again no sounds but the music...it was horrible to watch. He was dead. and the next person was brought before me. Another old friend.....again GUILTY..music...execution...always a differant form of death though.
Finally the end people were people i had recently met...and i had to make up reasons why they were to be executed...after awhile it felt good doing this. I was enjoying it..i looked forward to the next person........then i woke up
To be honest if you are reading this, then whatever. I really dont intend on people reading this. I dont like pen and paper...again technology has a hold on me. If you have me on your "buddy list" or whatever it is called, take me off please. I'm not trying to sound rude, its just, this is for me....its to get things out, wtihout people around my house reading it...or something like that. I love you all. but this is for my own good.