Yea, I knew I could count on you! 1. I don't have to, wait until you die and you'll regret not heeding my words. 2. Flawed from God's perspective and that's all that matters to me. Perfectly flawed is still flawed. 5. Not justification, truth. Chaos cannot be reasoned with. It is the absence of reason. 6. If pot, then what next? Just ponder that. 7. I said necessary to kill evil people, that still does not make it right. Killing is killing, the action is evil. And after two weeks the fetus has brainwaves, that's enough for me not to kill it. Legal death is lack of brainwaves, legal life should be beginning. Murder should not be a cause, that is the kind of thinking that needs to be dealt with. The sick rationale I'm talking about. You have already justified the action in your mind, so you can use any logic to back it. 8. It is not my rationale that tells me that the end never justifies the means, it is my God that tells me that. It is morals that tell me that. Christian morals to be exact. I never allow myself to justify anything. Right and wrong are cleary defined. Have you ever felt remorse Matt? Where do you believe that comes from if Good and evil don't exist? What need is there for guilt if we are all good, or neutral? 9. Because my Lord and Savior tells me so, and because I know what it's like to feel afore mentioned feelings for another man, and it is neither good, nor healthy. 11. You really wanna dig deep enough you can find dirt, but where are you getting your facts from? Which side is it from? Neither side tells the whole truth, they are like kids, skewing it to their favor. FInd the real facts and get back to me. Matt you don't believe in good and evil. 12. WHERE DOES IT SAY THAT IN THE CONSTITUTION? Seriously find it and site it, or else leave this one alone. It's not there. It specifically says there can be no laws upholding a specific religion above others, nor prohibiting the freedom of said religion. Meaning the government can't do anything about religion, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. It is a bullshit statement made up by politicians in the 60's. The founders were all Christian and founded our government on Christian principles (right out of the bible). 15. When sex becomes a fun physical act you lose all meaning of it. Sex is barely physical, it is mostly emotional/spiritual. Hence you get so many people that, when they do have sex they say "it's not that big of a deal." Well it really is, if you are with the right person for the right reason. 19. If there are people that haven't let you down, it's just like you said, it depends on what you trust them with/how open you really are. If you bare your soul, you are going to get hurt. If you are only a little open, sure you'll be alright, but that's not really worth it. Plus the word "yet" comes to mind. 20. Balance may exist in our world, I agree. But beyond this I assure you, there is no balance. And you want to believe that everything is eternal? What backs up that statement Matt? What is eternal? Nothing, even stars eventually die. There is one thing that is eternal and that is God. I know your viewpoint, because I had it until 4 months ago. Seriously word for word. "No force can exist without an oposition, for without it what defines the force?" That is a quote from the old me. The answer to the question is the answer to everything... GOD!
One last question. How was the universe created? Or where did it come from? No scientist can give you answers, but you can try them anyway.
1. come on, you've gotta have better than that. Thats like saying just wait until you go to santas workshop, then you'll see the elves. 2. What if god created us to be flawed, obviously he wouldn't wanna create beings of perfections, or else we'd be Gods ourselves. So by being flawed we are what he wanted, perfect. 5. Wait, what's chaotic? war, people? I understand that chaos cannot be reasoned with, but can anyone truely embody chaos? 6. If pot, anything next, or nothing next. The slippery slope arguement doesn't apply. Prohibition was recalled, and armagedon didn't break lose like everyone was saying it would. Just because you legalize weed doesn't mean you have to do anything else. Although I would still argue the government has no buisness telling people they can't do coke or heroin for that matter. If people know what it is going to do to them, then they should be allowed to do it. But if they are endangering or infringing on the rights of others then they shouldn't be allowed to do them. 7. I'll stand behind my abortion is fine for the reasons i gave, i.e. how far along it is, and add the new ones of rape victim, genetic defects, or possible harm to the mother. But in any other case i'm not really cool with it. However I don't really have the right to take away the possibility from others, so I guess you can say I'm pro-choice(with some pre-requisits) and I wouldn't refrain from bad-mouthing anyone who's getting an abortion for selfish reasons. 8. Humans are capable of anything, good or evil. I understand morals being passed down, and I have quite a few of my own, but i'm very interested in God speaking to you. Because if you're just using the bible or preachers as God's word, you're mistaken. How much of the bible is the same after all these years I wonder, after all the translations and what not. The Jews claim that the translation of Mary and Jesus was crazy screwed up in that it wasn't a virginal birth, but a normal birth and that Jesus is not the son of God, but at the time was a Jew who wanted to create his own following. Oh and can't forget all the different versions of the bible, and the stuff that certain churches put in, or take out. 9. Where and when did your lord tell you so? And i do believe love can never hurt, only people can. I can find many a-happy gay man or woman with their life partner. 11. Good and evil can exist, just not the fundamental extremes. And yeah all politicans are crooked like I said. I don't like GWB, but I can't say there has been a president I've ever really liked so... 12. Read the Federalist Papers. There is an un-written evolutic constitution which runs our country as well. The constitution has nothing to say about a lot of issues, but that was the beauty the framers had intended. Through congress and other places we can make rulings on things and help further society. So since, however long ago, people for some reason felt the need to have a separation of church and state, for whatever reasons and through a lot of yammering we have gotten to the place we are today. Trust me, I'm a History Major and a Poli Sci Minor, I know a lot about U.S History. 15. I agree, and disagree. It is much better to have sex with a person you love, but sex can be purely physical sometimes.
Sorry LJ said too many characters so I had to break this up...matthalomeuxAugust 7 2005, 23:34:04 UTC
19. I live by a number of things that don't let me put it out on the line. I've put my heart and soul into a few people and when I look back at it now, I can't honoestly say they've let me down. and sure anything is possible, so it could happen, but anything IS possible so that messes with every arguement in this post. 20. I guess what backs up my statement is my own wisdom and faith. I can't prove that anything is eternal, but i really can't disprove it either. I would have to agree that a God is probably eternal, unless there are other gods with some way of destroying that God. And I really don't have any problems with believeing, just do it for the right reasons and accept it on your own grounds. If someone has convinced you, you've failed at reaching the level on your own and I really think that sucks.
As for the last question, I couldn't tell you how the universe was created... but then again, I don't really care. I can wait and find out the answers eventually from science, or if I die I won't be that heart-broken about never knowing how it all started.
1. Matt, you misunderstand, I don't NEED more than that, so why provide it. This is what scares me though, the day you do find the answers it will equal eternal suffering for neglecting the truth. And no, Santa is a figment of our minds. I can see God and his glory everywhere in everything. 2. Matt that arguement is worthless and valid, though you don't know why. Some of us are what He wanted because some of us find salvation, that is correct. But that is the only way that we are perfect. Without Christ we are nothing. I've been there, I've bashed on Christians, I've also played the game that you are now, neither of them work in the long run. 5. I'd say that insanity can pretty much embody chaos. 6. No, no no no no. People are too dangerous to others when they do stupid things. If one person died because of pot being legalized (which I'm sure at least one person would for some reason or another) then that is too much. We can't be reactive in all things. If I can forsee that people are going to infringe upon others rights while doing something, I will end that something before it starts. 7. This gives me the feeling that you did not even read what I wrote, which is sad. A fetus is living. You are killing it. It is a human being. It is not a bug just because it is the size of a bug. That is dumb, I'm sorry but seriously dumb. Babies aren't even the size of a deer, but we kill those. In fact babies are about the size of small game and no one disputes the killing of those. So let's fucking hunt babies! That's sick. We are aging at all times, at what point do we "BECOME" human. OH WAIT WE ARE FROM THE VERY BEGINNING. 8. No, Matt. I'm actually speaking about God talking to me. Pretty much any Christian can back me up on this. God guides my every action, if I give him the chance. And I used that exact reasoning as to why the Bible is obsolete, but being a amateur theologian I can tell you a few things about the modern Bible. 1. You have to intepret it for yourself, and you should read everything, even if a church says that certain books do not belong. 2. We know more about scripture now then we ever have... ever. With the uncovering of such ancient things as the Dead Sea Scrolls, and things of that nature within the last 50 years the NIV bible is even more accurate than the King James a hundreds of years ago. We're getting better, not worse Matt. 9. Everywhere in scripture, if you want I can site a couple of passages off hand, but that's not the important part. My own heart, having felt such feelings tells me that it's wrong. 11. Meh 12. I'll not dispute your knowledge of history, only your/your professors intepretation of things, namely the Supreme Court having the ability to interpret anything they damn well please. Even though they are not elected officials and it is not part of their written jobs to take the liberties that they do. 15. I never said that sex couldn't be purely physical, in fact that some people expereince, only that sex isn't supposed to be that way. 19. Anything is possible within the laws of the world. But not anything. And there are clear cut right and wrongs, and clear cut good and evil, they do exist, whether we choose to be blind to them or not. 20. All of that is fair enough... if this were a fair universe, but it's not. Nothing is fair. It's not fair that we are created flawed and in need of salvation. It's also not fair that we disrespect our Creator daily, or break his rules, or blaspheme every three seconds.
Here's the point, if you never ask or seek the answer to that last question you are being as blind as the person you desribed in #20. Don't ignore the unanswerable, try harder to answer it. And get real answers, not stupid answers. Science can never provide you with answers because they are on the wrong track entirely. And you won't be heartbroken when you die, but suffering.
1. I dunno, the issue isn't very controversial if your evidence is, because I said so. I mean I could never argue with that effectively. 2. What doesn't work in the long run? But all I was saying with the we are flawed, and thats the way god wanted us so therefore we are perfect, was just that. I'm wondering if God created us soley that we strive to praise and go to heaven... cuz what would be the point? Free-will so that we are not robots, everyone understands that arguement, God doesn't want Robots, but if God created us for the sole purpose of doing everything he says, whats the point? 5. Yeah insanity can embody chaos, but an insane person could be locked up and treated. No reason to take his life unless hes absolutley uncontrollable. 6. I dunno, sounds like you are sacrificing freedom for security with that arguement. Booze is legal, and it kills lots of people, however because some people can use it responsibly its a freedom we are begrudged. Kinda like guns. Weed is just too simular to these things, you've gotta have a freedom of choice. 7. I read what you wrote, and I agree with the sanctity of life. However people can justify abortions in their own right, and I'm not one to take that choice away from them. 8. You can't 100 percent say the bible is as how the prophets wrote it, thats all I'm saying. There have been many an arguement over translations and what not, much like the Quran is not the Quran if it is in any other language than Arabic, a lot of people felt that way at first about the Old testimate. But as for seeing God, and his guiding actions, I'm guessing you mean you see the signs. No coincidences, it was ment to happen and you can see that. Is that what you mean? 9. Aren't you flawed though, couldn't your heart be wrong? And I'd hate to disagree with scripture and all, but I'm sure JC wouldn't really care if their love was true. Honestly, other than not producing children what is so wrong with same sex relationships? 12. I didn't mean the supream court at all, legislation starts in congress, Congress can get the ideas from a number of places including committees or even letters from you and I. The Supream court only hears a case if it goes up the lines of the court system, and rarely do they make rulings, they tend to uphold what has already happend in previous cases, which is why it took so damn long for Blacks to get any kind of equality. 15. I really can't say what sex is supposed to be. 19. Given a long enough time line, anything is possible. There are no absolute truths, only paradox. You may see clear cut rights and wrongs, but that does not mean everyone does. Even if they are being blind intentionally, it opens the possibility that maybe they don't. I'm not going off of anything but what I've done and seen really, and other than movies I've yet to see true Good or true Evil. 20. How can you prove all of this stuff without a doubt? You've just stated a bunch of opinions with no reall evidence of anything.
Oh I've thought about many an unanswerable question. Burned the midnight oil trying to find some solution to things, and I think I did on a lot of them. But its not like something you can write out and just say, its more of an understanding, somehow you intrisicly know, I'm guessing very simular to faith. Its just you get to some questions that are beyond you, and a lot of people rely on God to help answer those questions. They feel settled in knowing that he'll give them something, well i feel the same way, i've got something... just hard to say what it is.
1. I don't have to, wait until you die and you'll regret not heeding my words.
2. Flawed from God's perspective and that's all that matters to me. Perfectly flawed is still flawed.
5. Not justification, truth. Chaos cannot be reasoned with. It is the absence of reason.
6. If pot, then what next? Just ponder that.
7. I said necessary to kill evil people, that still does not make it right. Killing is killing, the action is evil. And after two weeks the fetus has brainwaves, that's enough for me not to kill it. Legal death is lack of brainwaves, legal life should be beginning. Murder should not be a cause, that is the kind of thinking that needs to be dealt with. The sick rationale I'm talking about. You have already justified the action in your mind, so you can use any logic to back it.
8. It is not my rationale that tells me that the end never justifies the means, it is my God that tells me that. It is morals that tell me that. Christian morals to be exact. I never allow myself to justify anything. Right and wrong are cleary defined. Have you ever felt remorse Matt? Where do you believe that comes from if Good and evil don't exist? What need is there for guilt if we are all good, or neutral?
9. Because my Lord and Savior tells me so, and because I know what it's like to feel afore mentioned feelings for another man, and it is neither good, nor healthy.
11. You really wanna dig deep enough you can find dirt, but where are you getting your facts from? Which side is it from? Neither side tells the whole truth, they are like kids, skewing it to their favor. FInd the real facts and get back to me. Matt you don't believe in good and evil.
12. WHERE DOES IT SAY THAT IN THE CONSTITUTION? Seriously find it and site it, or else leave this one alone. It's not there. It specifically says there can be no laws upholding a specific religion above others, nor prohibiting the freedom of said religion. Meaning the government can't do anything about religion, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. It is a bullshit statement made up by politicians in the 60's. The founders were all Christian and founded our government on Christian principles (right out of the bible).
15. When sex becomes a fun physical act you lose all meaning of it. Sex is barely physical, it is mostly emotional/spiritual. Hence you get so many people that, when they do have sex they say "it's not that big of a deal." Well it really is, if you are with the right person for the right reason.
19. If there are people that haven't let you down, it's just like you said, it depends on what you trust them with/how open you really are. If you bare your soul, you are going to get hurt. If you are only a little open, sure you'll be alright, but that's not really worth it. Plus the word "yet" comes to mind.
20. Balance may exist in our world, I agree. But beyond this I assure you, there is no balance. And you want to believe that everything is eternal? What backs up that statement Matt? What is eternal? Nothing, even stars eventually die. There is one thing that is eternal and that is God. I know your viewpoint, because I had it until 4 months ago. Seriously word for word. "No force can exist without an oposition, for without it what defines the force?" That is a quote from the old me. The answer to the question is the answer to everything... GOD!
One last question. How was the universe created? Or where did it come from? No scientist can give you answers, but you can try them anyway.
2. What if god created us to be flawed, obviously he wouldn't wanna create beings of perfections, or else we'd be Gods ourselves. So by being flawed we are what he wanted, perfect.
5. Wait, what's chaotic? war, people? I understand that chaos cannot be reasoned with, but can anyone truely embody chaos?
6. If pot, anything next, or nothing next. The slippery slope arguement doesn't apply. Prohibition was recalled, and armagedon didn't break lose like everyone was saying it would. Just because you legalize weed doesn't mean you have to do anything else. Although I would still argue the government has no buisness telling people they can't do coke or heroin for that matter. If people know what it is going to do to them, then they should be allowed to do it. But if they are endangering or infringing on the rights of others then they shouldn't be allowed to do them.
7. I'll stand behind my abortion is fine for the reasons i gave, i.e. how far along it is, and add the new ones of rape victim, genetic defects, or possible harm to the mother. But in any other case i'm not really cool with it. However I don't really have the right to take away the possibility from others, so I guess you can say I'm pro-choice(with some pre-requisits) and I wouldn't refrain from bad-mouthing anyone who's getting an abortion for selfish reasons.
8. Humans are capable of anything, good or evil. I understand morals being passed down, and I have quite a few of my own, but i'm very interested in God speaking to you. Because if you're just using the bible or preachers as God's word, you're mistaken. How much of the bible is the same after all these years I wonder, after all the translations and what not. The Jews claim that the translation of Mary and Jesus was crazy screwed up in that it wasn't a virginal birth, but a normal birth and that Jesus is not the son of God, but at the time was a Jew who wanted to create his own following. Oh and can't forget all the different versions of the bible, and the stuff that certain churches put in, or take out.
9. Where and when did your lord tell you so? And i do believe love can never hurt, only people can. I can find many a-happy gay man or woman with their life partner.
11. Good and evil can exist, just not the fundamental extremes. And yeah all politicans are crooked like I said. I don't like GWB, but I can't say there has been a president I've ever really liked so...
12. Read the Federalist Papers. There is an un-written evolutic constitution which runs our country as well. The constitution has nothing to say about a lot of issues, but that was the beauty the framers had intended. Through congress and other places we can make rulings on things and help further society. So since, however long ago, people for some reason felt the need to have a separation of church and state, for whatever reasons and through a lot of yammering we have gotten to the place we are today. Trust me, I'm a History Major and a Poli Sci Minor, I know a lot about U.S History.
15. I agree, and disagree. It is much better to have sex with a person you love, but sex can be purely physical sometimes.
Praise Omatar
20. I guess what backs up my statement is my own wisdom and faith. I can't prove that anything is eternal, but i really can't disprove it either. I would have to agree that a God is probably eternal, unless there are other gods with some way of destroying that God. And I really don't have any problems with believeing, just do it for the right reasons and accept it on your own grounds. If someone has convinced you, you've failed at reaching the level on your own and I really think that sucks.
As for the last question, I couldn't tell you how the universe was created... but then again, I don't really care. I can wait and find out the answers eventually from science, or if I die I won't be that heart-broken about never knowing how it all started.
Praise Omatar
2. Matt that arguement is worthless and valid, though you don't know why. Some of us are what He wanted because some of us find salvation, that is correct. But that is the only way that we are perfect. Without Christ we are nothing. I've been there, I've bashed on Christians, I've also played the game that you are now, neither of them work in the long run.
5. I'd say that insanity can pretty much embody chaos.
6. No, no no no no. People are too dangerous to others when they do stupid things. If one person died because of pot being legalized (which I'm sure at least one person would for some reason or another) then that is too much. We can't be reactive in all things. If I can forsee that people are going to infringe upon others rights while doing something, I will end that something before it starts.
7. This gives me the feeling that you did not even read what I wrote, which is sad. A fetus is living. You are killing it. It is a human being. It is not a bug just because it is the size of a bug. That is dumb, I'm sorry but seriously dumb. Babies aren't even the size of a deer, but we kill those. In fact babies are about the size of small game and no one disputes the killing of those. So let's fucking hunt babies! That's sick. We are aging at all times, at what point do we "BECOME" human. OH WAIT WE ARE FROM THE VERY BEGINNING.
8. No, Matt. I'm actually speaking about God talking to me. Pretty much any Christian can back me up on this. God guides my every action, if I give him the chance. And I used that exact reasoning as to why the Bible is obsolete, but being a amateur theologian I can tell you a few things about the modern Bible. 1. You have to intepret it for yourself, and you should read everything, even if a church says that certain books do not belong. 2. We know more about scripture now then we ever have... ever. With the uncovering of such ancient things as the Dead Sea Scrolls, and things of that nature within the last 50 years the NIV bible is even more accurate than the King James a hundreds of years ago. We're getting better, not worse Matt.
9. Everywhere in scripture, if you want I can site a couple of passages off hand, but that's not the important part. My own heart, having felt such feelings tells me that it's wrong.
11. Meh
12. I'll not dispute your knowledge of history, only your/your professors intepretation of things, namely the Supreme Court having the ability to interpret anything they damn well please. Even though they are not elected officials and it is not part of their written jobs to take the liberties that they do.
15. I never said that sex couldn't be purely physical, in fact that some people expereince, only that sex isn't supposed to be that way.
19. Anything is possible within the laws of the world. But not anything. And there are clear cut right and wrongs, and clear cut good and evil, they do exist, whether we choose to be blind to them or not.
20. All of that is fair enough... if this were a fair universe, but it's not. Nothing is fair. It's not fair that we are created flawed and in need of salvation. It's also not fair that we disrespect our Creator daily, or break his rules, or blaspheme every three seconds.
Here's the point, if you never ask or seek the answer to that last question you are being as blind as the person you desribed in #20. Don't ignore the unanswerable, try harder to answer it. And get real answers, not stupid answers. Science can never provide you with answers because they are on the wrong track entirely. And you won't be heartbroken when you die, but suffering.
1. I dunno, the issue isn't very controversial if your evidence is, because I said so. I mean I could never argue with that effectively.
2. What doesn't work in the long run? But all I was saying with the we are flawed, and thats the way god wanted us so therefore we are perfect, was just that. I'm wondering if God created us soley that we strive to praise and go to heaven... cuz what would be the point? Free-will so that we are not robots, everyone understands that arguement, God doesn't want Robots, but if God created us for the sole purpose of doing everything he says, whats the point?
5. Yeah insanity can embody chaos, but an insane person could be locked up and treated. No reason to take his life unless hes absolutley uncontrollable.
6. I dunno, sounds like you are sacrificing freedom for security with that arguement. Booze is legal, and it kills lots of people, however because some people can use it responsibly its a freedom we are begrudged. Kinda like guns. Weed is just too simular to these things, you've gotta have a freedom of choice.
7. I read what you wrote, and I agree with the sanctity of life. However people can justify abortions in their own right, and I'm not one to take that choice away from them.
8. You can't 100 percent say the bible is as how the prophets wrote it, thats all I'm saying. There have been many an arguement over translations and what not, much like the Quran is not the Quran if it is in any other language than Arabic, a lot of people felt that way at first about the Old testimate. But as for seeing God, and his guiding actions, I'm guessing you mean you see the signs. No coincidences, it was ment to happen and you can see that. Is that what you mean?
9. Aren't you flawed though, couldn't your heart be wrong? And I'd hate to disagree with scripture and all, but I'm sure JC wouldn't really care if their love was true. Honestly, other than not producing children what is so wrong with same sex relationships?
12. I didn't mean the supream court at all, legislation starts in congress, Congress can get the ideas from a number of places including committees or even letters from you and I. The Supream court only hears a case if it goes up the lines of the court system, and rarely do they make rulings, they tend to uphold what has already happend in previous cases, which is why it took so damn long for Blacks to get any kind of equality.
15. I really can't say what sex is supposed to be.
19. Given a long enough time line, anything is possible. There are no absolute truths, only paradox. You may see clear cut rights and wrongs, but that does not mean everyone does. Even if they are being blind intentionally, it opens the possibility that maybe they don't. I'm not going off of anything but what I've done and seen really, and other than movies I've yet to see true Good or true Evil.
20. How can you prove all of this stuff without a doubt? You've just stated a bunch of opinions with no reall evidence of anything.
Oh I've thought about many an unanswerable question. Burned the midnight oil trying to find some solution to things, and I think I did on a lot of them. But its not like something you can write out and just say, its more of an understanding, somehow you intrisicly know, I'm guessing very simular to faith. Its just you get to some questions that are beyond you, and a lot of people rely on God to help answer those questions. They feel settled in knowing that he'll give them something, well i feel the same way, i've got something... just hard to say what it is.
Praise Omatar
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