Aug 07, 2005 00:41
1. Jesus Christ is THE way to a life beyond this world, to a life outside of hell.
2. Humans are flawed from birth. (Don't believe me? look around, listen to your own hearts. Ever been jealous, angry, mad enough to injure or kill?)
3. The government should NEVER have more power than the states, which should NEVER have more power than the people.
4. We do NOT live in a democracy (which is like 3 wolves and a lamb deciding on what to have for dinner/anarchy). We live in a constitutional republic.
5. There are certain causes that are worth fighting and dying for. War has been necessary since the beginning of man. No recorded time has ever been without war of some sort. War is not evil, but some people are and they must be killed (revert back to number 2).
6. Pot should not be legalized, it DOES kill your braincells and give you cancer up to four times as fast as cigarettes. (I was President of SADD for 2 years, while I didn't do anything, it did give me a ton of material on such things to read.) I've used it numerous times before kids, you are not safe to drive, or really leave your house to be honest (though you think that you are).
7. Abortion is murder. Can someone explain to me how something that has heartbeats, brainwaves and can move with independent thought... is not alive? And please don't use rationale to justify your actions.
8. The end NEVER justifies the means. While it may be "necessary" to lie or steal or cheat at some point in time, that doesn't make the action good. Sacrificing one innocent for a hundred may be worth it, but it is still not good. It is only our rationale that tries to make things right by justifying evil actions, when they have good endings.
9. Homosexuality is a sin (sharp intake of breath!). Yes I know I said it, and no I'm not sorry. On the other hand being homosexual does not bar you from being a Christian or entering heaven, despite popular opinion. Reverting back to number 2, we are all sinners and NONE of us DESERVE to enter heaven. Lying is the same as killing is the same as rape. God only sees sin, not varying degrees of it, and we all sin.
10. NOTHING GAURENTEES YOU THE RIGHT TO NOT BE OFFENDED! Seriously this cultural diversity crap has got to go. Nowadays diversity means that I have to be accepting of minorities but they don't have to be accepting of me. I am told that homosexuality is alright, I disagree and yet that means that I am not being diverse... but wait, why aren't they accepting of my opinion? DUM DUM DUM, because no one wants equality, they want supremacy.
11. President Bush is not evil or stupid. He has never said something and not done it, he has never lied to the people, though certain media may make it seem that way. Go and read his speeches before you counter this by pointing out things like the war in Iraq/Afgahnistan. If you have not personally read his speeches, do not respond to this or I'll just delete you because you have not sought information, merely been feed it. As for the stupid thing.... HE'S NOT A GOOD PUBLIC SPEAKER... are you? Then let it go. Public speaking has NOTHING to do with being a president. Sure we like charisma and all, but that's not what runs a country.
12. There is no such thing as SERERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. Please kindly find where it says anything about that in the Constitution. It doesn't, but go ahead and look anyway. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" if you reference this you are stupid. I'll just come right out and say it. That does not prohibit bibles, or Jesus or anything of that nature in schools. In fact it says that you CAN'T prohibit those things. And tell me which other religion is being affected by this? Pretty much just Christianity.
13. Women are not bad drivers, in fact they are safer than men. They tend to be less able to make quick decisions though, which is why they are responsible for the majority of minor traffic accidents. On the other hand men tend to make quick decisions and do not think twice about them, which is why they are responsible for the majority of major/fatal accidents.
14. Women are not always right, it just so happens that men tend to desire sex more often and will concede to almost anything a women says in order to get it.
15. Waiting until you are married to have sex is not weird. It is smart, safe, and worth it.
16. Having large sums of wealth does not make you evil.
17. I should not know more about celebrities than I do my neighbors, that is stupid.
18. Love does not hurt. People hurt.
19. EVERYONE IS GOING TO LET YOU DOWN. There is not one person that you can perfectly trust at all times. Ever. (Revert back to number 2).
20. Speaking of that, trusting people is still worth it. Just as good will overcome evil on principle alone, healing over comes pain.
I'm done for the night. Have fun friends, I'm sure everyone disagrees with me on something.
Good night, I miss and love you all!