Oct 13, 2011 18:38
It's hard to believe that it's already been a month since I started at my new store. Things took a little bit of time to get settled in, but I think I'm adapting well. One of the funny things is just how much I miss my old store, and how I'm always keeping track of how their ranking is sitting in our district throughout the time I've been away. My concentration is now on getting my new store's ranking up, and I've been working hard in making that contribution.
It took me about a week and a half to settle in on just how to get numbers, but after that week, I was able to figure out how I had to work to meet the minimum numbers of the store. I'm not going to fret if I have one off week, as every week barring the first one has been met with solid performance. That's the one thing I prided myself in at my old store. We were a very slow and low volume store, but we always had the highest numbers in the district at all times. The only thing was that our sales numbers kept our company ranking lower. Except for during the manager's conference. My SGA and myself worked together to wreck faces during the week everyone was gone. And we succeeded with a first place regional finish, at 85th overall in the entire company. Considering we have over 4000 stores, that was a really great feeling that we were able to pull things off like that. I've been working hard to try and get the ranking up at this store, and we're doing pretty well on getting those numbers up so far. I need to be able to be successful during the holiday season in order for me to be looked at after the holidays for a promotion. I know it's going to be hard work, and I know it's going to take a certain level of dedication, but I feel that I am ready to grab the reigns and run with it. I need this in order to have any hope of furthering my career on a professional level. We'll see how things go and move forward from there. I've already learned a lot at this new store so far, and I only feel myself getting better as time goes on.
And what I truly hope for? Is to eventually be able to go back to my old store as the new store manager. I'd love to be able to give back to the store that I've already given so much to. And it kind of makes sense. Our district manager likes to keep people relatively close to home, and driving to the store I do now is further away for me. Potential moves in the future can easily put the new manager of my old store into the store I'm in now, since he lives close to that one and was already a store manager once. I'm hoping the pieces of the puzzle get put back into place for me eventually.
I also stopped updating my other blog that was dedicated solely to weight loss, I kind of ended up turning this one into my life and weight loss journal. Kind of makes sense since I've had this journal for so many years. I started the weight loss journey one year ago, back in October of 2010. I started out at a staggering 296 pounds. To think i EVER let myself get to be that heavy. I know I didn't carry the weight like that, but my knees were always sore, and I was always tired and exhausted any time I would do anything. I was battling high blood pressure, and I was dangerously close to becoming a diabetic. It was bad. I got picked on a ton, and was always ridiculed for my weight. It was a matter of enough was enough, and I knew a lifestyle change had to happen, and had to happen quickly in order for me to make the proper changes. The only thing was, I didn't actually lose all that much weight for the first 8 months of my journey. In June, I was only able to get myself down to 270. I still got picked on after convention photos of myself showed up online. That pretty much ended up lighting a fire under my ass and causing me to start working harder, and actually trying.
Starting in June, I began watching the number of calories I consumed each day, along with starting to exercise a little bit more than I was initially. But most of the diet was food related. And it worked amazingly well. It is now Mid October, and I've lost more weight in 4 months than I did in the first 8. I'm down to 229-230 right now. Obviously that ranges a little bit based on different factors. I'm well on the route to be able to reach my goal by Youmacon of 225. Once I reach that, then my next goal of 200 comes into play. I'm set to be able to reach that one by January. If all goes well, I'm going to be able to do that as well. And then the final final stretch to 175-180. Once all is said and done, I think I'll be able to weigh 175 comfortably. I'll be at a healthy BMI, be a normal size, and be able to cosplay a lot of the characters I'd love to do, but am too scared to try because of my weight and size.
If money isn't terrible during the holidays, I'm thinking about buying a treadmill or elliptical for the apartment. Anything that's going to help me be able to workout will be great. I have the Kinect for Dance Central, but having options should be able to quell the boredom!
20 days until Youmacon, and around 6 more pounds to shave off until then. Let's do this!