(no subject)

Jul 03, 2011 14:25

I'm still kind of in shock that I found a weight loss regimen that is actually working. I've done a lot of research, and have seen that you can pretty much not do a damn thing as far as exercise goes, so long as the number of calories you consume a day is lower than your basal metabolic rate. Now obviously that's just an easy way out. Combining that with an actual workout schedule, then it works almost twice as hard. Within the last week and a half, I've dropped a half inch off my waist, and lost 5 pounds. I had been stuck at a plateau for so long, that I really needed some movement to pull me out of the motivational slump.

You lose it when you don't see the scale moving, or see a sign of your work paying off. When I started this new thing, seeing that the weight is coming off at a good pace pleases me. I'm not starving myself by any means, but I'm always calculating the number of calories that are going to go into my system. And I am able to mess up once in a while. As long as I set my day up properly, I can go to Coldstone for ice cream, or I can have that occasional burger or taco. That's one of the great freedoms about this diet. I'm not banning my favorite foods from it. Moderation is key.

And of course my work schedule has epically failed for a while, so getting the chance to go out biking has been impossible. I decided to spring on the Kinect as a means to helping me lose weight. So far, it's done well for me. I've been able to play Dance Central a little bit, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far. 20 minutes of solid cardio knocks roughly 120 calories off my system each time, and the way I look at it, the weight can only continue to fall off.

My confidence is starting to take a small boost as well. Granted I still have a long way to go, I know it'll only get better for me as I get closer and closer to my goal. I think it's entirely possible for me to meet my goal by November as I'm hoping. I already need to take in my taokaka jacket so it fits better, and Suika was too big the first time I wore the skirt. It's part of the reason I don't want to start Keine up until I'm reasonably close to my goal. She'll likely be drafted at the beginning of October, when ideally I'll be around 210-215.

I decided to not work tomorrow, so I'm going to turn tonight and tomorrow into a super apartment cleaning day. I have a bunch of packages I need to get together to ship on Tuesday, so once I get those together, I can start up another sales post to get rid of more stuff.

Most of the money I'll be coming back from nationals with is going to be put on bills. I want to take out a chunk of my credit card, as I've been doing so well this past month. I need to keep my videogame preorders down to a minimum, which I only have three right now. I have one other game I plan to get preordered, and then I'll work on playing through a bunch of stuff in my library and sell off some of those titles.

I've been working hard to stay above ground, and I know I can do it! Gotta keep my head up and live one day at a time.

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