for some reason, i am both awake and bouncy.

Sep 12, 2006 07:55

oh, i want a new job. not that there is anything too terribly wrong with this one. but, all the same...

my list of current goals, if i had one, would look something like this(in descending order of priority)

1. new job(hi, Texas State Legislature)
2. apartment downtown, or closer to downtown than Leander is.
3. school? i don't know about that.

okay, i guess i do have a list of current goals, albeit a rudimentary list.
more interesting to me at the moment is how i am so energetic the last couple of days on so little sleep.
sunday night, a trip to spiderhouse, presumably for Destiny to check her e-mail, turned into a late-night drunkfest.(hooray for having a sugar momma to buy my broke ass drinks) and last night, no excuse, just alarmingly awake at two in the morning, staring at malcolm in the middle re-runs, trying to decide if any pertinent information was hidden away in there.
when i leave work today, i'm going to go hang out with Shanon and Erin. i have no idea what we are going to do, though it is likely to involve (a)alcohol, (b)food or (c)both a + b.
what would be really nice would be if Destiny and I had an identical schedule. that is the worst thing is leaving a warm, comfortable sleepy girl in the morning.
what would also be nice is if she had cable so i could watch nip/tuck, eric and brigette are always playing video games at home when it comes on. eh. i'm going to go eat salted peanuts and drink disgusting office coffee until i am sick.
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