As you may have noticed, there hasn’t been a heck of a lot of updates lately. Life happens. So I’ve decided to announce an official semi-hiatus for this LiveJournal, though that doesn’t necessarily mean that my writing output will be less than before.
I’m currently submitting a fortnightly column called Big Worlds, Small Screens to my friend Helen Lowe’s blog, which explores some of my favourite films and television shows in the fantasy/science-fiction genre (though I’ve since discovered a new term that encompasses both: speculative fiction). I’ve been remiss in providing links to it from this LiveJournal, so consider this a rectification: you can read my articles on Avatar: The Last Airbender, Maddigan’s Quest, Warehouse 13, Charmed and Justice League right
Please check it out, and by all means if you have a recommendation for something to watch/review then let me know.
And yes, this does mean an end to my Reading/Watching logs. There’s just too much going on right now for me to regularly update them, though I do recommend my page or Fantasy.Lit if you want to see what’s going on entertainment-wise with me. I currently have a massive To Be Read Pile, and am winding my way through Xena Warrior Princess and Warehouse 13.
Furthermore, I am currently backlogging my way through past projects of Katie McGrath and Angel Coulby, just for fun. I’ve never actually done anything like this before (that is, watched something just because a particular actress was in it) but I’m finding some great stuff that’s well worth watching. Katie has been fairly easy to follow since she’s still a relative newcomer, but wow - you would not believe the sheer amount of stuff that Angel has been in. It just goes to show how hard you have to work in this business just to get your foot in the door.
So in the near future I’ll be posting some clips and summaries of their previous work for anyone that’s been having a hard time waiting for Dracula and The Tunnel.
In other news, Peter Capaldi is the next Doctor. From what little I saw of the official broadcast, Britain treated this reveal in much the same way that America heralded the arrival of blue M&Ms - with an inordinate amount of excitement. Oh, and we also had to deal with Moffat’s comment that: “I like that Helen Mirren has been saying the next doctor should be a woman. I would like to go on record and say that the Queen should be played by a man.”
Because a fictional character is exactly the same thing as a real person! Hah hah! Isn’t he just hilarious? (By the way, that has actually happened. In the 1996 movie Orlando Queen Elizabeth I was played by Quentin Crisp).
And then this happened:
Can we anticipate a snide remark from Moffat on how the next film portrayal of Hawking should be played by an able-bodied man? (Which has also happened). Somehow I think not, though it would make about as much sense as his Queen comment.
Still, it’s a good choice (we were never going to get a woman under Moffat’s control, and despite what Neil Gaiman said, I don’t think a POC was ever seriously on the cards either) and it’ll be nice to have an older man as the Doctor, thereby destroying any UST between himself and Clara. Not that there was a lot between Eleven and Clara, but it’ll be a refreshing change to the dynamic between Doctor and Companion that hasn’t really been seen since Old Who.
And let’s be honest, no one really wanted a female Doctor as written by Moffat. It would be just an endless succession of hijinks in which she seduces her way in, shoots her way out, and jokes about out how her sonic screwdriver now has a vibrating option (tee hee hee, isn’t she naughty!)
Personally the most annoying thing has been people celebrating that “all those silly, vapid girls who are only watching for the cute guys will be rooted out of the fandom”. Where are these girls hiding, exactly? I’ve seen more people complaining about them than any actual girls complaining about Capaldi. (I smell another Fake Geek Girl witch hunt).
The countdown is on until the first Korra episode, and Nickelodean has released something to whet our appetite: a prequel that delves into the lives of Mako and Bolin’s childhood. I love the art-shift (it reminds me of the opening to Kung Fu Panda) and the sheer creativity these people have in building a brand new world.
Click to view
I’ll admit, I wasn’t exactly a fan of Mako or his “romance” with Korra - but I was rather flummoxed by the sheer amount of vitriol that was being thrown his way. Didn’t people even attack the voice actor’s Twitter? Yeesh. I can understand disliking a fictional character, even hating one - but some people manage to take it to a whole new level. But my point in bringing this up is to say that I found myself more sympathetic to Mako and his plight in this short film than I did throughout the entirety of The Legend of Korra. So I’d certainly recommend watching it for much-maligned Mako’s sake.
It's a nice touch that they didn't steal the woman's purse exactly - they just intended to collect a reward from taking it back to her.
As for everything else, I’m considering a shift to Tumblr, simply because it seems a lot quicker and easier to use than LiveJournal, from which everyone seems to be leaving in droves. As with all new things, there are pros and cons. I like the fact that it’s easier and faster to display pictures, media and news, but it’s also a lot more impersonal. The format means that it’s basically impossible to have proper on-line conversations, and because of the broader, somewhat de-personalized design, there’s a greater risk of attracting trolls. My comments on Moffat up there? I would never dare post them on Tumblr for fear of piquing the fanboys/girls.
With LiveJournal there’s the sense that it’s “your space” and most people (even if they completely disagree with what you’re saying) would respect your on-line boundaries. Plus, there’s friend-lock.
One day we’ll hopefully get a platform that combines the best of both worlds, but until then... Tumblr it is.
And all this is not to say that this LiveJournal is utterly extinct. There will still be bits and pieces that pop up here: probably my “Thoughts On...” entries (which are too long to go anywhere else) and links to Helen’s blog (just to keep you in the loop!) and my forthcoming Angel/Katie watch. Ooh, and an essay on Mary Sues that I currently have formulating. Okay, so this LiveJournal obviously still has some life in it.
Also, if there are any remnants of the Robin Hood fandom out there, I still absolutely intend to finish my rewrite of the series. I’ve relegated Tuesdays to my writing of the next episode, and it will - eventually - surface here.
So hopefully I’ll see you around soon - either here, on Fantasy.Lit, on Helen’s blog or on the damn Tumblr...