On the bright side...

Dec 26, 2008 18:30

So I had to cancel my vacation this morning. I've been sick for about a week now, and just as I thought it was going away, it flared up again yesterday morning. So this morning I had to call my mom this morning and tell her that they would have to go on without me. I'm kinda bummed; I was looking forward to seeing my family and having a nice little vacation.

But I did have a nice little Christmas. I got a Sony Reader and 100 free classic books to download with it, so I'm pretty excited about that, and I got an iPod shuffle to take jogging with me. I was a little disappointed in the gifts I came up with for my family, especially since they got me such awesome stuff, but they all seemed happy enough with them, so I guess I did okay.

And of course, I have my birthday to look forward to. Only 5 days now...
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