Merry Xmas...

Dec 24, 2008 00:24

So, I was not expecting to have to buy a Christmas present for my car...but apparently it needed a new battery, so that's where the last of my money went. Ugh. It all happened so fast...I realized that it was finally gone, went to Kragen with battery in tow...somewhere in there I blinked, and the next thing I knew I was running my card for a hundred bucks.

The worst part is that I still haven't bought a Christmas present for my mom. At least out of all the people on my list, she's the most likely to appreciate a hastily homemade and heartfelt gift (oh, alliteration). I'm thinking perhaps a slideshow of our family photos from Hawaii set to music. Or perhaps my brother would like to chip in for a joint gift...

Oh, and good news on the knitting front... I have started my first scarf, and so far so good. :)
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