Feb 28, 2008 09:23
I had an on camera interview last night. The whole production lasted until 11:45 pm.
I was a Technical Director, a C/G operator, Director, Floor Manager, Camera Operator, Audio tech and Finally the Host.
Fuck! I'm tired.
Tonight, I'm going to see Carlos Menica live at the Hard Rock.
I'm reading 'the other Boleyn girl'.
The book is wicked, and I will be seeing hte Movie next weekend.
Natalie Portman better do Annamaria (Anne Boleyn) justice.
Or I'm just fuckin walking out! This is more than just pretty dresses to me.
Work is fuckin drab.
I showed up 15 min early this morning feeling chipper, still wired from last night, crashing now but still happy.
I love the Industry.
Wolves have come off the endangered list.
Bad Idea.
now, fuckin Hunters and farmers are going to do unspeakable tortures to them.
Poison, skinnng, claw traps, bead bullets (bullets that explode in your body causing maximum pain, slow death)
I am not happy about that at all, alot of people are on my death list now.
"Oh, my cattle!"
Nigga, you aint takin care of your cattle anyway! Wolves will take the weak and sick and young....
not the ones you've already tagged for sunday's BBQ and PRADA's new purse.
Poor cows.
its enough someone to be an Animal activist TERRORIST!
anyway, I think I am falling for him now.
still can't picture the sexual side of the relationship......Nope! No sir!
Its better off that we just stay close friends without any friction....ahahahahhahahahahahaa. Jesus!
My dick in reserve (DIR) is such an asshole, I finally wrote him off after 7 years.
No sex, once again. Thats ok. I have a gym membership.
I'd rather dance than fuck now a days.
I'm happy, really.
I paid off my car! Booyah!
and Next week, I'll be paying off my insurance for the year!
Gods, that feels good!
soon, I'll have cards paid off, so that I may get More cards!
And then I can pay off my school loan!
fix my house.
fix my brrrrrrrain!
I need a vacation.
hugh, wha?