Nov 22, 2009 17:17
The one hour wait for the tickets was worth it. Dragging myself out of bed at six on a non-school day, and even worse, on a WEEKEND, was worth it.
It was fun to see almost the whole of Singapore trooping down to Suntec. Musta been, what, a couple hundred or so at least. It was especially amusing to hear about seasoned otakus yelling over the noise and the music to their newly-initiated, wide-eyed and bushy tailed padawans about the *gasp* mind-boggling, //censored// world of doujinshi. :D
An excerpt:
Seasoned veteran: [yelling] "Okay, so I assume you guys have heard about doujinshi right?"
Various Padawans: [look blank while scratching heads and trying desperately to keep up] "Eh, sorry, I didn't catch what you said leh... dough -wha????"
Me: [laughs, notices them staring, and ducks behind this guy that looks like something that just stepped out of Saw VI
Initially, I didn't think I was going to find any FF7 cosplayers there but my first few minutes of squashing to join the MASSIVE queue I was proved wrong. All in all, I saw a Turk, 2 Clouds and 1 Sephiroth. :D *squeals* Pity there wasn't any Renos or Rufuses though... Darn.
The good thing about it all was that I was able to snag FF merchandise while soaking in the mad atmosphere, chat with random people and be a paparozzo/shutterbug. :D
The bad thing was that my accident-prone streak surfaced AGAIN after almost 5 whole months of lurking about in the murky subconscious, curse it. Halfway down the frigging steps I somehow missed the last 2, slipped and landed right on my left ankle. It hurt like five hells and for a while I wasn't able to think properly. The guy (an Ichigo) behind me asked whether I was OK and the thoughts that were running through my mind at that point were 'OWOWOOWOW. This hurts like shit. OWWWWW.' and then 'OK, so if I say I'm not, then what the hell are you gonna do about it, dude?' Pretty mean to think that about someone who's just enquired about your well being, I know, but he was nice about it all the same.
I would say that I am almost definitely game for AFA 2010 IF and WHEN it's held in Singapore and not, God forbid, Malaysia (not that I have anything against Malaysians but even if my budget did stretch that far, there are always parental restrictions to deal with, and well, I'd just rather not) and the next time I AM SO GONNA COSPLAY. Watch out people HERE I COME. AND I SHALL JOIN YOU JOY AND LAURA/AIZEN AND SHUNJING AND MARYLYN! :D
Back to the present.... I am steaming in silence at home now after my ecstatic outing yesterday nursing a practically useless ankle. Well, not exactly steaming, because there's always my newly procured FF merchandise to look at. So I'm off now. Ciao for next time!
damn this hurts,
my brain has melted