Sep 08, 2009 22:09
OMG. This is so late but up until now I had absolutely 0 idea that Squeenix had released Advent Children Complete in April. That is like the best thing to happen ever since, I don't know, Alex Kapranos decided to pick up his guitar and make music. *dies of absolute happiness* \0/
Well, what can I say. The graphics are earth-shatteringly good. Reno has never looked as good, it makes me want to cry and smile at the same time. And Tseng - Tseng is effing fabulous. I just love the guy. *flails*
Watched Crisis Core demos just now again on Youtube - the closest I'm ever gonna get to actually playing it. :D :D :D :D :D Still it's enough to make me go higher than a tree full of monkeys on bananas and steroids. Ahhh Zack and Lazard!!!
This confirms it - I have officially become a fangirl. Though I'm not too sure if that's good or bad...
squeenix what have you done to me?,
i simply cannot resist,
tseng owns me,
ff7 makes me go so high