15 Day Blog Challenge--Day One

Jan 26, 2014 22:03

My friend Monique (gentle_dream) created this 15 day blog challenge. I've been meaning to start doing it, but life kept conspiring and coming up with things that kept me from doing it. So, here I am! I might actually do a couple days at a time from time to time, just because I know there are going to be days that I wind up missing due to crazy life/work schedule :P

1. Are you an optimist, pessimist, or a realist and is this something you would like to change?

I am very much an optimist. In fact, for awhile I referred to myself as THE Eternal Optimist. I don't know where I get this from, but I always know that one way or another things will work out. It may take a minute or two, but in the end everything winds up being okay. "Everything will okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end." Or something like that used to hang in the office at my old job in Indiana. I found the saying to be quite true.

I realize that this attitude comes mainly from life experiences. I've definitely gone through some rough patches in my life. I've been homeless, wondered where my next meal was coming from, and dealt with emotional (and physical) abuse. I've seen some shit. But somehow, in the end, everything was okay. I may have wondered my next meal was coming from, but it was somehow always there--I didn't starve; I may have been homeless, but I never had to sleep on a street corner and in the end found a home. The night has to be the blackest it can before the sun can rise on a new day. Things weren't over when I lost my home. That was a transition time that got me to a better place. It was the gritty middle where all the action happens before the happy ending.

I have to admit, I don't want to stop being an optimist. Me being an optimist lets me get through whatever life tosses at me and lets me encourage others along the way. Being a pessimist wouldn't solve anything. I'd just panic and hide under the covers at the mere thought of something going wrong. Even being a realist would take away from the faith I have that things would work out I feel like. (This could be a skewed view as I feel like many "realists" are actually pessimists claiming they're "just being real" about things.) So, no, I wouldn't change from being an optimist even if I could.

friends, survey, 15 day blog challenge

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