Come and Taste The Cauldron's Brew

Jan 25, 2014 00:02

I don’t know why, but I’ve been feeling VERY drawn to spiritual practice lately. This is something that I’ve talked about from time to time since I moved, but for a long time I was feeling kind of spiritually disconnected. I wasn’t sure what was causing it or how to get reconnected and it was really bothering me. So I threw myself into writing. That’s what I do when I get a spiritual disconnect-write. I write about everything. I journal, I write poetry, I write erotica (apparently), I write novels and short stories and essays. Basically anything that comes to mind, I write it. Writing is always the base of my spirituality-it’s how I meditate, how I make sense of the world around me and how I deal with things that creep up in my life that I don’t know how to handle otherwise. Through writing I always find my way back.

I decided at the beginning of the year that I was going to study the tarot. I had also made a personal goal (one that I didn’t really talk about anywhere else) to start seriously studying herbs and plants this year. This is a thing that I’ve wanted to do for several years, but always felt held back by the fact that I lived with someone who didn’t accept my spirituality. Now though I have all the freedom to do whatever I want and I plan on taking advantage of that. (It doesn’t hurt that my roommates are big into herbal tea and already have a little knowledge on what tea/herb is good for what!)

I’ve been listening to the quiet whispers that have guided me. I’ve drawn tarot cards when they called to me and started reading a book on spirituality when I felt drawn to it. I’ve started journaling more about my spirituality, and really just journaling in general. From there things have seemed to unfold and a few “blog projects” have presented themselves to me. At first I wasn’t sure I wanted to do any of them, and then I realized I want to do all of them! So, I’m going to. The projects I’m going to be participating in are:

~Pagan Blog Project. I did this last year on Odin Devoted and found it very enlightening and fun. I tried to make all my posts about Odin and I wound up learning a lot about Him. This year I’m doing it a little different-I’m going to try to link most of my posts to writing and/or creativity in some way. Some will just be about spirituality and my thoughts and beliefs. But writing is very much a spiritual act for me and I’d really like to explore that more in this project. These posts are done once a week, and over the next few weeks I’ll be going back and catching up on the weeks/letters I missed.

~Animist Blog Carnival. This is a once monthly thing that I’m quite excited about. I’m very much an animist and love the idea of talking about how that impacts my day to day life and spirituality.

~The 3rd one actually comes from the ADF. I’m not part of ADF, but a blog I follow is doing this particular exercise and given the fact that I live in a completely new locale it seems like a thing that will benefit my spiritual practice and my understanding of my new home. So, for the next 6 months I’ll be getting to know the local flora and fauna of my new home and journaling about it, likely here. I don’t actually know how often I’ll be blogging about this, but I suspect it will be something like once a week or once every two weeks.

(Originally written for The Raven Scribe~)

spirituality, pagan blog project, writing, blogs, the raven scribe, pagan, druidry, nature

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