Impending Break

Jul 23, 2012 15:52

I'm feeling kind of quiet today. Perhaps it's because Sarah and I were so busy earlier, or maybe it's because I'm slowing down and preparing for the next two days off. Felicia (my boss) noticed how much overtime I had gotten last week and offered to take my Wednesday shift in order to keep that from happening again. I was so very grateful. I love the money all the overtime will provide, but I'm ready for a small break. It feels weird for me to say that--that I love the money. I used to care nothing about money. But I guess since it's funding my trip and all, and since the work itself isn't too hard, I don't mind working so much.

Regardless, I now have the next two days off and am so happy about that. Even happier, really, since tomorrow is payday! I've been dying for a good LGBT book to read lately, but have been needing to wait for payday to roll around before I could go get one. I've been searching for The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Danforth lately, but everywhere seems to be out of it. But perhaps I can find something else to read. Any recommendations? I specifically want LGBT, and I'd adore a fantasy novel, but it can be for any age and any genre :)

I'm also dying to get back to writing. I've been working so much that I haven't been able to pick up a pen at all. The want to has been there, but the brain power hasn't. But, aside from picking up my check tomorrow, I plan on treating the next two days like a mini writing retreat where I do nothing but write. Tonight, I'm taking it super easy and trying to get as much rest as I can in preparation for this. I want to be operating at full steam for this!

Because of that, I may not be around for the next few days, though I'll probably check in from time to time. I'll be on twitter though if you need to reach me~

books, writing, work

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