Jul 22, 2006 11:06
Last hour of work Thursday, I was attacked by Christians. Well... not quite attacked but definitely felt cornered.
"Hi. What's your name?"
"Joey? What would you say if I told you I loved you?"
"You'd probably think I'm crazy, because I know she does." Pointing to her friend. "But I do love you. I love you because of..." *DRUM ROLL PLEASE* "Jesus."
Needless to say, my last hour of work, when I wanted to blog, was spent in a religious discussion about how no one has all the answers and a simple belief in Jesus isn't going to give anyone a Get-Outta-Hell-Free Card.
It just doesn't work like that.
Religions which base their beliefs around a Hereafter, a concept that life here is all about securing a good life Beyond, this concept is highly faulty. They say "You must have faith" That's nice and all but why have faith in a hereafter when I have a world--a home--hear that I love and cherish.
Ideas that require such leaps of faith should be approached with a degree of skepticism. Yeah it might be true, but if it's not... do you really want to suffer in this life, just to realize it was all you had?
We are first and foremost, souls--perfect and part and parcel of this force some call God. There is no separation in reality, the concept of separation is a concept, not a hard reality.
Go ahead and do what you really love to do! Do nothing else! You have so little time. How can you think of wasting a moment doing something for a living you don't like to do? What kind of living is that? That is not a living, that is a dying! ~God, Conversations W God Book 1.
To continue, this is what CWG has to say on the idea of man being separate from God (and each other):
There is only one way for the Creator to know Itself experientially as the Creator, and that is to create. And so I gave to each of the countless parts of Me (to all of My spirit children) the same power to create which I have as the whole.
This is what your religions mean when they say that you were created in the "image and likeness of God." This doesn't mean, as some have suggested, that our physical bodies look alike (although God can adopt whatever physical form God chooses for a particular purpose). It does mean that our essence is the same. We are composed of the same stuff. We ARE the "same stuff"! With all the same properties and abilities--including the ability to create physical reality out of thin air.