Um, vaguely patriotic, mostly annoyed

Jun 22, 2007 09:47

So yeah, just watching the Colbert Report and they replayed the Tim Donnely difference maker thing from a year ago. And I just wanted to slap that guy. Aside from just flat out being an ass he said that the national anthem had been "desecrated" because some Mexican immigrants sang it in Spanish.

First, I think that, since it would probably mean more to them in the language they are more familiar with, it's a good thing that they sing it in a language that it would mean more to them in. Hell, if they sing it in Klingon and it means more to them.

Second, the asshole and his friends went marching down the street, carrying an American flag and, after shouting shit like "Why don't you sing it in English?" they sang it in English. But the tone and body language blah blah blah... Again, Klingon would be preferable to listening to music that should be important being sung like a schoolyard taunt.

I don't know why this pisses me off so much but it fucking does. Douche, in that crowd of white friends does he think there is nobody whose ancestors weren't English speakers? Do they really think said ancestors just got off the boat magically fluent in English? God, what a dick.

MUCH MORE IMPORTANT AND TRAGICAL NEWS THAT I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED! Ron Herbert aka Mr. Wizard died June 12. How did this news escape me!?
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