Oct 16, 2009 21:15
First off, thank you to those who replied/messaged/text me about my previous post. I miss Steve a lot. I have my moment of getting a little teary eyed, but so far it's been ok. One week down. So thank you to everyone for your support. It's nice to have it.
It's been a decent week so far. Overly stressed from work. I'm still looking for a new job. I've gotten a couple e-mails from places asking for an interview, but I'm very hesitant on places that don't actually have the company name and what it does in the e-mail and no website link provided. Very uncertain about those. Oh wells. Gonna keep looking. I just need to get away from retail, somehow.
Puppy is doing well. Had a vet appointment this morning. Spent lots of $$ for her meds, Heart Guard, FrontLine and updating all her shots. Oi. So much for having extra $ set aside. I'd rather make sure my puppy is healthy first. She got a skin infection and fleas REALLY bad. Poor baby. I gave her some meds and Benedryl and it calmed her down a little earlier. It was the most peaceful and calm she's been in two weeks. Poor Rinoa. But hopefully all these meds will make her better. She'll also get a bath again (for the third time in two weeks!!) on Sunday. Much scrubbing.
Went to Oktoberfest at Uchee Creek with my friend Patrick and his g/f Lexi. It was fun. Ate much much yummy food!! I drank this spiced wine type drink called Gluhwein and it was so good. I want more! Apparently they have a store here in Columbus. I will go there and get more food and drink.
Work tomorrow then floorset at AE. Ugh. It's gonna be a long day. I wish I had time between to take a nap. I'm off on Sunday but I have to be at work from 9-10 for a store meeting. Should be fun. A meeting to tell us how crappy our numbers are. Fabulous.
Ugh. I don't feel like talking about work right now. I'll start getting stressed again. I get far too stressed over work.
Well, I'm off. Hope everyone has a great weekend.