family gettogether

Jun 14, 2009 16:17

So, came back a little while ago after celebrating my dad and stepmom's (queen of darkness) 25 anniversary, over the weekend. it was a blast =)

Started off on a low tangent, not as much depressing, as me being stubborn amounting to stupid XD 
I'd taken the train to Frederikssund, the party being held at a scout lodge, in a front across the inlet of Roskilde fjord. I'd more or less memories the rute and just checked on a map at the station. Didn't look far and it was an hour until guests were suppose to show. So, skipping trying to figur out what bus to take, I decided to walk, the weather was after all splendied ^^ first mistake was to find a route out to the water as I thought I'd just walk the coast line to the bridge spanning the inlet. So I followed the signs towards the marina, which I later discovered was in the opposit direction, adding some 2 kilometers to my trip XD 
So, 7 kilomters and 1½ hour later, I arrived, very very sore and wishing I'd brought a sleeping bag, instead of a bedspread, cover and pillow ^^;
had an intesting moment along the way, as I walked along a farm road and suddenly a rather large dog came out of the bushes, I couldn't quite decided if it thought I was intruding on it's territory and wanted me to scram or it was offended I wasn't a car it could chase. But it barked at me and I told it I was allowed to be there and it huffed at me, ran past me and slinked after me as I walked past the farm it lived on.
Now about a kilometer down the road, two little carpet pissers, chased me for a good hundred meters, or more accuratly, the followed me, barking like it was their purpose in life, but shut up everytime I turned and looked at them XD

well arrived at the lodge, very worn out and feet sore. my family parties have a tendency to accumulate injuries, but we were rather light this year. I think I've sprained my right calf slightly, might have pulled some sinew in my lower arm when we climbed a rappeling tower and I'm a bit sore in the ribs after one of my uncles misjudged a tackle and hit me full tilt in the lowerback instead of the shoulder.
But all in all good fun was had ^^

we started off with greetings and hugs and good natured teasing. Then we were shown the lay of the land (this was where me and an uncle climbed afore mentioned tower) then we played soft ball and then hung around and chatted, swung on the tree swing and played football.
Then dinners was served, very very delicious and quite delicate, you can have a look when I up pictures later. and there were speeches too. I improvised a speech and actually made my stepmon tear up and consittering I felt it was a little half ass'ed, I got much praise for it.
Then we made a large campfire and sat around and talked, drank and were merry until I called it quits around half past 1 in the night and turned in.
Day after brunch and clean up. and I was so lucky as to be given a lift home by one my dad and step's friends.

so, absolutly wonderful party =) but damn, I'm sore all over XD and slightly hungover
pictures will be posted later
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