MCU | Iron Man | The Key to Your Ferrari (Thomas Dolby) by theletterell
A fab Tony Stark Is Iron Man vid - I love this ode to the suit and its creator! I spent the past week organizing my comics, including my massive Iron Man collection of digital comics. I have pretty much all of them, going back to the '60s. I wasn't that interested in the Tales of Suspense era (1958-1968), so I haven't read those. I've read here and there in all of the volumes and incarnations of Iron Man.
In between making icons, renaming files, and doing the daily household chores, I've been reading. Comics and fanfic, mostly. Trying to prep my March recs for 31 Flavors. 31 different fandoms, stories I haven't rec'd before, are a lot of work to come up with. I've also been prepping my February Love Meme posts. I have drafts of several, but still have some thoughts that need to settle for some of the topics.
I have several dozen WIPs on AO3 that send me emails when a new chapter get posted, and I don't delete the reminders until I've caught up or unsubbed if I don't care any more. So many stories, and I just go to my Yahoo email and pick a fandom to read in when I am in the mood. Lately there's been Harry Potter, Stephen Strange, and Tony Stark popping up with regularity. I don't generally post recs for WIP stories. A WIP series is fine, but so many stories get abandoned, and not everyone can deal with that. But I love the subscription feature on AO3, and am grateful to authors who post on Ao3. So many WIPs I was reading have gotten lost in the radio silence between updates.
But anyway, rewatching the recent MCU trailers made me have feelings and there is all that Civil War-related fannish disagreement that comes out in the fanfic. It's been interesting to see that get tagged on AO3. For the record, Team Iron Man here, despite Cap's many fine qualities. Note that more than
1000 stories are tagged Team Iron Man on AO3 vs.
145+ tagged as Team Captain America. There are other tags, and folks who are on the fence/swing both ways in fic. But that's where I am right now. I hope the future movies shake me out of this mindset a bit. As it stands, I don't want to re-read the fluffy team-centric stories I have bookmarked from the past pre-Civil War days, and I don't want to read Steve/Tony at all. I don't necessarily see these characters as evil or irredeemable, but there is a lot of interpersonal shit that went down and left a bad taste in my mouth. Good thing there are the Guardians of the Galaxy and Spider-Man, ya know?
Bonus from YouTube: At the end, they discuss the FX for creating Little Steve for Captain America: The First Avenger, as well as de-aging Downey 25 years for the flashback to Tony Stark seeing his parents the final time. There's a reaction clip where RDJ talks about that, which was amusing. And this deleted scene from Iron Man 2 is why I love this character: