Winter Greetings, friends

Dec 05, 2015 13:45

I hope those who celebrated had a nice Thanksgiving holiday--Happy Hanukkah, also!

It's been typically too long since I last posted, alas. Work and commuting are rough on my energy level for other activities. :( Haven't even gone to many hockey games this season despite having lots of Tips and Tbirds vouchers, although I do have hopes for some games in the next month or two. Workwise, I'm transitioning into a new role at work that might be permanent, or I might get laid off, who can predict? On the homefront: my second mother had a clean one-year cancer checkup, ad my mom is physically stronger in her supportive nursing home setting. She looks happier in pics and is seeming more active in the videos I get from my brother. Still doesn't talk much, and doesn't always recognize my sibs, but she seems calm and smiles more.

May your winter be bright and merry or calm and peaceful, as your need may be.

family, all about me, work

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